Best in Film: 2006: Sound and Sound Effects Editing

I've had a long day and I'm tired. Also, I'm woefully unqualified to really talk about sound mixing in detail. So I'm scrapping the full on explanation and just listing these. Next up is a biggie: Supporting Actor, where I'll be back to pointless droning on why exactly I picked the five candidates.


Apocalypto - Kevin O’Connell, Greg P. Russell and Fernando Cámara
Yeah, it is an awful film but that doesn't take away from O'Connell (Oscar's biggest loser-19 times!) and Co's great work creating the atmosphere of the Mayan civilization. The quiet of the forest, the screaming of the pigs and the loud and textured sounds of the film's last half. Its loud but never blunt work.

Casino Royale - Martin Cantwell, Chris Munro, Mike Prestwood Smith and Mark Taylor
For creating a muscular, loud and energizing mix that threw the franchise back to life.

Children of Men - John Midgley, Chris Burdon and Tom Johnson
Stunningly detailed work: the ringing of the ears, the cat's meows while Theo and Jasper chill out, Theo's flip flops, his foot getting cut all mixed in with the sounds of warfare, a crumbling city and the myriad of languages (Including Sinhalese!) spoken at the edges.

Happy Feet - Wayne Pashley, Greg Fitzgerald, Phil Heywood, Phil Judd, Cory Mandel, Peter Purcell & Robert Sullivan
Musicals are always impressive. Animated musicals are whole other level of wow. Feet not only includes a deft mix of the sounds created to make the world come alive, Mumble's tapping feet and the big booming sound of the most oddly eclectic soundtrack of the year.

Superman Returns - Salty Brincat, John Reitz, Gregg Rudolff and David Campbell
Big, loud and majestic. Just as it should be.

Casino Royale - Eddy Joseph
Monster House - Dennis Leonard and Randy Thom
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest - Christopher Boyes and George Watters II
Superman Returns - Craig Berkey
World Trade Center - Wylie Stateman and Michael D. Wilhoit

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