Blogger Meetup

And so here is the umpteenth post on the Kottu meetup at Barefoot. First of all a thank you to Indi for organising the event and playing host, it was really good to meet up and put faces on certain people and make some sort of human connection that wouldn't otherwise occur, also a big thank you to Dom and Naz for giving the space and, despite giving love to certain cinematic travesty, interesting and enlightning conversation..

Mahangu has a pretty accurate roundup of the crowd present- though I can't say I love being ghettoized by my age.. Still, he was part of a group of very cool people I met- amongst them: Indi, Ru, and many other nameless people. Also great to see more familiar faces like Electra and Deshan. I think I may not have spoken to as many people as I should have but I did find myself not once, but twice, in theoratical conversations about blogging, and on one occasion it was with Yanik and Asvi- so I guess it worked?

All in all, I enjoyed the experience- between the free-flowing alcohol and conversation, it was a great time. Something that should definitley happen again. Perhaps most important was the gathering of some idea of what the blogsphere in Colombo is like and, of course, getting drunk in the evening

Prose! Where were you?

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