just because a man has more hair on his head than there are stars in the sky doesn't mean that they cannot host a succesful party which celebrities and politicians will attend and enjoy responsively...


I recently re-watched Dog Day Afternoon (1975), having not seen it for a couple of years. Wow. Sidney Lumet's drama (based on a true story) about two men who hold up a bank in order to get the money for one of the men's husband's sex change operation is one of the strongest pieces of cinema in history. Lumet is one of the greatest directors of our time and never has he been so in control of his cinematic prowess than he is here. With Dog Day Afternoon he crafts a story so compelling and honest that even 31 years after it's release it is still powerful. The remarkable control Lumet possess over his and cinematographer Victor J. Kemper's camera combined with Dede Allen's frenetic editing help to create a tense and exciting backdrop for the stunning ensemble of actors to move around in. What you may not notice about the film is that it has no score- and thank Jebus it doesn't. Instead of forcing the audience to feel using an overwrought piece of music, Lumet trusts his audience to grasp what is happening onscreen themselves and come to their own conclusions. While he does let the action play out on its own, he's certainly not a 'put a camera on the actor and shoot' type of director- Lumet uses an arsenal of far more subtle tricks to create tension. The opening of shots of Brooklyn, bathed in heat, help to create a sense of the place all this takes place in and the quiet, almost wordless scene where Al Pacino and John Cazale walk into the bank is powerful because of the silence and not despite it. Notice how Kemper's camera, shooting scenes in an almost cinema verite style, makes you feel every bead of sweat on the character's faces, particularly in the scene where Pacino speaks to his lover. The sound designers aren't slouching either, the little sounds of footsteps, radios, people's voices and choppers flying overhead all work to give the film a realistic feel. And that's where the secret is, Dog Day Afternoon doesn't feel filmic, it feels like its really happening in front of our eyes.

Frank Pierson's Oscar-winning screenplay deserves a large sum of the credit, working around just 12 sequences that pop and fizzle with dialogue that is never showy but always sharp and naturalistic. It is important to note, however, that Lumet allowed the cast to improvise some of their dialogue and the heartbreaking scene between Pacino and Chris Sarandon, as his transsexual lover, on the phone was entirely improvised. This brings us to the focal point in the movie- the cast. Al Pacino is volcanic. The great actor gives one of his most ruthless, SUBTLE (and that's a big thing since this was one of the last times Pacino seemed to care about subtlety in his screen work), and terrifying performances as Sonny, a man who spirals out of control with good intentions but no clue how to deal with his problems: the performance is a towering example of what great acting is. The rest of the cast aren't far behind, particularly, Chris Sarandon (that's Susan's ex), Charles Durning, John Cazale and Penelope Allen who give brash, full-blooded characterizations that empower the film.

Dog Day is a film that one can watch over and over again and I implore you to do so- It never loses it power. It's a point where both director and star were on a hot-streak (Lumet with this, Network and Equus; Pacino with his remarkable run of The Godfather, Serpico, The Godfather Part II and this film) and this joining of great minds is a career peak for both. My only regret with the film is that it's most famous scene (the one quoted in the title of this post) has lost it's power since most people (myself included) have no idea what it refers to. Go here to read up- it adds to the film tremendously and is a very interesting read. That said, Dog Day Afternoon is still a masterpiece, one of the greatest films of the Seventies (and that's saying A LOT) and of all time.

La Streep

I'm lazy...so we're doing some more of these...

Ok, so she's arguably the greatest actress working today and, of course, the most Oscar nominated actor in history. Meryl Streep's infamous dedication to her craft is stunning (she learned Polish for Sophie's Choice, mastered the violin in 8 weeks for Music of the Heart). One the most intelligent actors I've ever witnessed, this double Oscar winner has given a continuous stream of awe-inspiring performances, particularly, during her golden streak in the eighties. The 90s were a little rough, with only a few gems here and there (Postcards From the Edge and The Birdges of Madison County), but in this new decade her talent has been rediscovered by a generation of younger filmmakers like Spike Jonze and Stephen Daldry, and even a few older ones like her long-time collaborater Mike Nichols and, the great, Robert Altman. She's entering a very exciting part of her career right now and working non-stop (IMDB lists 9 projects in various stages of production), so to celebrate her rennaissance let's pick our favourite Streep performance. Go here if you need a reminder of some of that work..

My top ten Streep performances looks something like this
  1. Sophie's Choice (1982)
  2. The Deer Hunter (1978)
  3. A Cry in the Dark (1988)
  4. Kramer Vs Kramer (1979)
  5. Adaptation (2002)
  6. Silkwood (1983)
  7. The Bridges of Madison County (1995)
  8. Postcards from the Edge (1990)
  9. Manhattan (1979)
  10. Plenty (1985)
and she can sing...


My iPod tells the future, does yours? Caught onto this from Nat at The Film Experience... Basically you take your ipod and the list of questions given below, put your iPod on shuffle and each song you get is the answer to each question. eg: the first song that pops up when you hit shuffle is the answer to question 1 and so on and so on. Clear Now? No cheating-you can't change the questions or skip songs

1. How Does the World See You? An Architect's Dream, Kate Bush
So...artistic? I'm the child of architects--so you know, maybe my ipod does know me? So apparently people see me as artistic, at my best when I'm artistic and feel that the mistakes I make are some of my best work?

2. Will I Have a Happy Life? Cashmere Thoughts, Jay-Z
I guess I'm set for an incredibly materialistic and decadent life. After all "the star player, the golden bar layer/the sweet Ms. Fine Thing puh-layah" goes the song.

3. What Do My Friends Think of Me? Where It's At, Beck
Wow...Awesome. They think I'm completely indecipherable and uber-cool. They also think I have two turntables and a microphone...

4. Do People Secretly Lust After Me? Rub 'Til It Bleeds, PJ Harvey
I dunno..the song tells me she does but she might just be playing mind games on me...she's also vindictive, bitter, brutal and a little unsettling. So Yes? or is it no?

5. How Can I Make Myself Happy? Shaking Through, R.E.M.
This one is a little hard to garner any meaning from...why Mr. Stipe, why? I suppose it's telling me to 'shake' through, take opportunities that come by and make myself heard and only then shall I find true happiness.

6. What Should I Do with My Life? Forever For Her (Is Over for Me), The White Stripes
I like this- I should apparently tell everybody else to fuck off, get away from them and take my girl and 'do it like the birds and the bees'..

7. Will I Ever Have Children? The Corner, Common featuring the Last Poets
and Fuck. So I will have kids but they will be forced to grow up amongst squalor and poverty? With Uncles who "put blow up their nose" and "Niggaz robbin', killin' just to make a living"...nice. Let's not forget this pearl: "Life's a bitch and I heard that she bites". My iPod hates me.

8. What is Some Good Advice for Me? Nowhere Man, The Beatles (!)
"Nowhere Man, please listen/ You don't know what you're missing/ Nowhere Man, the world is at your command ... Don't worry/ Take your time, don't hurry/ Leave it all 'til somebody else lends you a hand"...thanks John. I'm also as blind as can be and only see what I want to see..

9. How Will I Be Remembered? '97 Bonnie and Clyde, Eminem (!!!)
Jesus Fuck. So I'm a spouse murderer? Not only that, i also plan to take that child whose forced to deal with uncles and nigg(as) and force him/her to help throw their mother's corpse into the ocean!

10. What's My Signature Dance Song? Just Can't Get Enough, Depeche Mode
not thrilled with this choice...It's fun and I guess I could move to it but, you know, why should I give a fuck seeing as killing my wife will probably take up most of my time?

11. What's My Current Theme Song? To Me You Are a Work of Art, Morrissey
"I see the world/It makes me puke/But then I look at you and know/That somewhere there's someone that can soothe me," need I say more? I'm very distressed, you see..

12. What Do Others Think My Current Theme Song is? Love Will Keep Us Together, Captain and Tenille
yeah...they so don't know me

13. What Shall They Play at My Funeral?
Gotta Serve Somebody, Bob Dylan
The "you may be..." bit sound good and fits in with the image painted in question 2, so I think it might be worth 'serving' to God or the Devil? Or is this a message from me to my mourners- a word of advice? From experience? Either way, it seems like the ipod thinks I'll Jebus by the time of death..

14. What Type of Women do I Like?
Time for Heroes, The Libertines
So I like "stylish kids" who hang out in an obscene scene who've got it all but still complain. She also coughs up blood and there are rumours that she went around town spreading "nasty diseases". Hey, at least "I cherish you, my love"

15. How's My Love Life? Hit Me Baby One More Time, Britney (LOL)
Heh...I guess i've acted too soon and I have to pay for my mistakes...after all "my loneliness is killing me" and "when I'm not with you I lose my mind"

And that does it- my ipod and I seem to have a love/hate thing going on. What about you? Tag. You're it- anyone reading with a blog..go ahead and try it

Lord have mercy! Is that what that is?

So what's your favourite Nicholson performance?
  1. Easy Rider (1969)
  2. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
  3. About Schmidt (2002)
  4. Five Easy Pieces (1970)
  5. Chinatown (1974)
  6. Ironweed (1987)
  7. The Shining (1980)
  8. Prizzi's Honour (1985)
  9. Terms of Endearment (1983)
  10. The Last Detail (1973)

and just so you know, i was like 'fuck yeah!' last night when my beloved K got one step closer to the finale...

2 Days More

We graduate on Sunday night and I think I'm actually excited. Initially I didn't care, seeing as it's a fake graduation (we haven't even begun our final exam, so some of the people who celebrate their graduation may not actually graduate), but the hype seems to have gotten to me? I think I'm more excited about the party afterwards (and my birthday on Monday) where I plan to be completely and utterly smashed but I'm not too sure...I've spent far too long looking for the perfect song for the class to walk into the hall. I feel dirty now- so please excuse me while I shoot myself.
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