Who'd Play You?

I decided to do the age-old practice of seeing which actors would play my friends and I in a movie. In order to accurately get everyone's character down- I've thrown both race and age out the window- If you have a problem with that fuck you.


Initially I felt that Jessie Eisenberg would have been perfect seeing as how much I relate to him in every role (Roger Dodger and The Squid and the Whale perfectly encapsulate moments in my life) but after a little thought I realised that both Paul Rudd and Peter Sarsgaard pretty much had me down. Both have a smug quality and a certain aura of intelligence (or pretentiousness, your pick) to them that fits perfectly. While Rudd could throw in some humour to my neurosis, Sarsgaard would use his tremendous talent to portray every last feeling running through me.


For Asvi, I found I needed 3 actors all to portray different sides of him: Alessandro Nivola could perfectly get down the charisma, while Jim Carrey would be needed for the more manic qualities and Jake Gyllenhaal would have to be brought in to portray that slight neediness hiding in there (Though after Eternal Sunshine, Carrey could probably do this too).


I've said this over and over again but whenever I see an episode of Sex and the City and Sarah Jessica Parker is on-screen (so that would be often) all I see is Kanya. So many of the mannerisms, speaking tones and personality traits are alike it's uncanny. At the same time a young Diane Keaton circa 1977 (the Annie Hall days) would be the perfect combination of naivete, neurosis, beauty and intelligence.


For Ashwini a trio of actresses who all possess the same qualities (but certainly not the same talent) Brittany Murphy, Anna Paquin and Samantha Morton all project a certain unstable charisma that is bursting with joy but hints at something darker down below. Morton's talent shadows the other two but it's the least talented actress, Murphy with her big bug eyes, who I think would perfectly portray Ashwini's zest for life.


Orlando Bloom was the first person I thought for Yanik. The pretty boy looks, the refined manner of speech, skinny frame, and the playful demeanor are an exact match for Yanik. Topher Grace could probably do the job a little better though, all his performances reek with an enthusiasm for life that just screams Yanik.


Flanni will probably tell you she looks like Salma Hayek but in reality she's closer to Parker Posey with the attitude to match. Posey is perfect at playing characters like Danni, who derive joy from using their acid tongue to put people down to size. Juliette Lewis could bring out her more irreverent side while Catherine Keener has made a career out of playing Danielle.

Natasha (Melbourne)

I'm resisting the temptation of casting an Australian here or even Meryl Streep in A Cry in the Dark (that's where "A dingo stole my baby!" comes from, btw) and gone for America's Sweetheart Reese Witherspoon. There were flashes in Witherspoon's work in Walk the Line that showed me that she could nail Natasha's quiet and watchful manner- if she could do the skankyness is another story...


Is there anyone more suited to play Juhani than a young Dustin Hoffman? The nose, the awkwardness, the nice-guy appeal? It's perfect.


Heath Ledger's revelatory performance as Ennis Del Mar has me thinking that he could nail Twiggy's equally nervous and stammering nature. If not Ledger then perhaps an actual twig?


Hiran's a hard one to peg: mysterious (certainly on the interweb), sarcastic, intelligent, funny, political and ambitious. Ralph Fiennes' chilling performance in Schindler's List has me thinking that he could get the intensity down but Andy Serkis (and his eyebrows) could put up a good fight.


Nobody could capture the wannabe posturing, good intentions and attitude like last year's New Big Thing Terrence Howard. He could accurately portray the overwhelming need to be a 'Gangsta', the lackadaisical attitude and harsh surroundings that envelope our Australian friend.


E is probably one of the few people I could attach the word 'charming' to, but the truth is there's no better word. Her intelligence and wit seem a perfect fit for Julie Delpy's talent, but her slight flashes of vulnerability hint that she's closer to Judy Davis.


Most inspired casting choice ever?

So, who would play you in a movie?

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