Dizzy Little Dotty is here.

It's been no secret that I have been working on a label since February - I can't believe it's 7 months later and things are only now starting to fall into place.
So much goes into a label, that I didn't think about.
Orders, picking a size range, going through the design process - creating images that people will actually want to wear, organizing photo-shoots, creating gift vouchers, drawing up & printing clothing tags and other related catalogue paraphernalia and so on.

One of the most important things that a label needs, is a strong website - after all it's the most important necessity for creating an online presence for your shop. 

I am proud to say that I picked a technically savvy web designer and one of the best artist's in the country Tabitha Emma, to conjure up a simple yet effective website for my label. The illustrations were created by myself and Miss Tabitha created the visually delicious font and coding. I highly recommend her skills if you are in the market for a fancy new webpage.

Exciting things are in the making, be sure to keep your eyes on this space for the photo-shoot that is soon to follow.  You can be informed on facebook or twitter if need be. 

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