The Complete Amazing History of the Tattoo, Right Here - FACE BODY PAINTING ART TATTOO

Humans have always used various ways to convey their feelings or the inner part of themselves.
This can be seen in a person's fashion or in what he wears. For example, some people don military shirts for the reason that this pieces of clothing represent courage, bravery and strength. Despite being generic, a military shirt can still be personalized in many ways to define one's individual identity. However, apart from the clothes that we wear, another way to express our individuality is through tattoos---a practice that has been around for centuries.
In the past, many people thought that the art of tattooing originated from the Egyptians because many pharaohs had tattoos in several places.
This, however, changed upon the discovery of a 5,300 year old mummy of Otzi the iceman wherein it was alsofound out that he had markings on his skin. Therefore, it has been proven that even more the Egyptian civilization, even during the prehistoric time, the art of tattooing had already been around. However,nobody can tell what the purposes of those tattoos were.
Another proof that the art of tattoo has been around for ages was the discovery of a tattooed prehistoric body in Russia that showed designs related to magic, mythical creatures and animals. After that excavation, more bodies with tattoos over their bodies were discovered in the same location.

Prior to the supreme reign of the Egyptian empire where the art of tattooing proliferated, the Indians had already used Henna to create body markings for the sole purpose of aesthetics. However, in Greece, it is said that the art of tattooing was used as an identification mark or secret code of newbie spies.The art of tattooing though has served as a way to label prisoners in Rome and many other places to this very day.

The people in Samoan Islands also had the art of tattooing as part of their tradition then. It was the chief of the tribe that was heavily tattooed. Apart from symbolizing one's social standing, tattooing was also a part of a ritual that indicated puberty and it also signified the young adults' dedication to their culture. It can also be said that tattooing was an integral part of New Zealand's culture as reflected in their Moko art which makes use of carving techniques.

The people from this place have acquired the skills and accuracy from the art of tattooing.
To this very date, many Indonesians in Borneo still practice the art of inking marks on their faces and body. Distinct as they are, Borneo-originated designs are most sought after in the western world. And some tribes in Africa still carry on the practice of tattooing. however, because they are dark, these people prefer scarification to body and face painting.

Around for centuries now, tattooing still throws a lot of questions. Did this practice really become embedded in the modern western world together with the sailors and prisoners brought to England by Captain Cook? Did it spread in America to British or from Latin America? No one can be so sure. One thing is for sure though: The very first tattoo shop opened in New York in 1846!

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