Cute Asian Women with Blue Sexy Bikini

Cute Asian Women with Blue Sexy Bikini

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Praiya Suandokmai - Beautiful Thai Woman

Praiya Suandokmai - Priya Suandokemai - Poo Priya Suandokmai
She may be known by many names (Praiya Suandokmai, Poo Priya Suandokmai, Priya Suandokemai, Praya Loundberg), but this Thai beauty is definitely hot.
Praiya was born on March 28th, 1989, stands five feet seven inches tall and weighs 110 pounds.
Since the last time I did a write up on her, Praiya came out with a movie, Bangkok Adrenaline (2009), were she co-starred with Daniel O'Neill.

Bangkok Adrenaline - Poo Praiya Suandokmai - Praya Loundberg - beautiful women movies

Although she's only in a few brief second of the clip, here is the trailer for the film:

Actually it looks pretty cool.
Kind of a martial arts/ action-adventure film with maybe a little bit of parkour thrown in for good measure.

Praiya Suandokmai - thailand - thai - hot asian women

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Asian Women Contest Bikini Sexy


Can A Mate Veto Your Outfit?

It's Friday night and you've just finished up a long week of work. Your significant other calls you and wants to go out for a night of dining and dancing. You look in the closet and reach towards the back for that special outfit your mate has never seen. You put it on and you feel sexier than Marilyn Monroe at a JFK function.

Your mate arrives at your house and you open the door all the way so that they can take in a good view of your outfit. Your mate smiles in appreciation but then quickly says, "you're not wearing that."

 (record scratch) 

Is it wrong for your mate to say that you're "dressed too sexy" if you look like Pamela Anderson at a rave?  Is it wrong for your mate to say that you're "humiliating them" by wearing the same outfit Burt Reynolds did in "Smokey & The Bandit?"

I have only experienced this dilemma once in my life. I was dating a girl and I thought that she was very attractive. She had a booty that just wouldn't quit. She had more cheeks than a chipmunk with the mumps.

Anyhoo, we were going out to a nightclub (which I didn't like doing with women) and I went to pick her up. She came out of the house in what was basically a cat suit. Of course, I was stunned because she did look amazing in it, however, I thought about how many other people would think she'd look amazing in it as well. I mean, we're talking about a woman whose measurements were 38-26-OMG! So, I'm thinking about how many guys I may possibly have to "defend her honor" against if they try to get too aggressive.

I simply came out and told her that although I wanted to see that outfit later, that I thought it would cause too much of the wrong attention from guys. She understood and went back inside to change.

I got lucky. No arguing. No drama. I breathed a sigh of relief because I didn't expect things to go over so smoothly.  Was it my tone?  My approach?  Or did she already have reservations about the outfit and just needed a tie-breaking vote?

Was I right to question what she had on at all? Should I have allowed her, as an adult, to wear what she thought was appropriate / comfortable for her? Or did I do right to speak my mind and express my feelings?  Shouldn't we be representing each other if we're going out as a couple? Regardless if an outfit is too sexy or if it should have been left back in 1975, can you state your case against it?  What would you do (or what have you done) in this position?

Fair or foul: Can a mate veto your outfit?

"So, let's set the world on fi-ya!  We can burn brighter!  Than the suunnnnnnn!"

I Was Sleep Cheating

A guy in Connecticut has a serious problem with sleepwalking. So serious that he's been accused of robbing a woman at knife point... while he was asleep. At least that's what Winston Riley says.

The 27 year old's family claims that he's had issues with sleepwalking since he was a boy. The crime does seem odd being that he robbed the woman in the elevator of the Mohegan Sun Casino. There are more cameras in that place than a Victoria's Secrets runway shoot. Why rob a person in a place full of cameras unless you really didn't know you were doing it?  Stranger things have happened, I guess.  Riley does not have a criminal record, so it would seem like an odd place to start.  After the robbery, Riley said the woman's screaming woke him.

The police don't buy the excuse because they say that Riley confessed to the crime when he was apprehended.  I may have to follow the trial of this case to see how things turn out.

Two years ago, a man in Colorado woke up to a loud "bang" only to realize that he'd shot himself in the knee.  People are on record for doing some odd things when they're asleep.  At night, my father used to push the couch in the front of the door because as a child, I'd sleepwalk outside and sit on the back of the car.  That resorted in him waking up some mornings and finding me asleep on that couch since I wasn't strong enough to push it away from the door.

Is a person responsible for creating a criminal act while they're asleep? Is that a valid defense? If so, can you use it on anything? "Aw, baby, don't get upset. I was sleep cheating. You know I wouldn't have slept with her had I been awake."

"Honey, I gained six pounds because I was sleep eating."

 What sleepwalking excuse would you use to get out of a bad situation?

Gone to the Dogs

I haven't owned a dog in quite some time now.  I once had a blue heeler/German Shepherd mix named "Shadow."  He looked like a miniature German shepherd.  Funny dog.  He made me laugh.  That was probably around 2000.  He was small enough to fit in my lap, but it's not anything I ever allowed.  Call me old-fashioned, but I believe that dogs remain on the ground. Maybe because I never had a toy dog 

When I was almost four years old, I got a German Shepherd puppy.  I named him "Killer."  Hey, I said I was three, going on four, so cut me some slack on the name.  I used to love to pick him up and carry him around.  My father told me that if I kept doing that, he would get spoiled.  I learned my lesson that very same night.  Killer was in a box in my room and he howled like he was being forced to watch a recent Nicholas Cage movie.  As soon as I got out of my bed and walked over to his box, he'd look at me with those puppy dog eyes (literally) and would get quiet.  It took three nights for him to sleep through the night without screaming for me.  I never picked him up again.  If I wanted to pet him, I would sit down on the floor/ground and do so from there.

People today take their love for dogs to a whole new level.  Something that I absolutely can't stand to see is a person driving with a dog in their lap.  There should be a law against it because it's a driving hazard.  I once saw a lady veering from lane-to-lane on the interstate.  I thought she was drunk, but when I passed her, I saw her dog was trying to lick her in the face while she was driving.  I also saw a lady almost rear-end a guy when her dog acted as if he was jumping out of the window.  She got so nervous that she almost didn't hit the brake in time after getting him under control.

"Girl, did you see what Snooki did last night?"

I know that this country has gone to the dogs and I didn't have a problem with it until I realized that it affects my safety.  Keep your pets in the backseat and out of your lap.  So many people claim to love their pets like children, but you wouldn't let your child ride in your lap on the interstate, would you? The state of Hawaii already has a law in place requiring dogs are restrained in cars and other states are following suit.

I can only hope that this becomes a country-wide law and soon. People are already distracted enough by iPods and cell phones. The last thing I need is someone hitting me head-on because FiFi blocked their view.

Good dog!

Flashback to Pros

 At least once a month, I'm going to flashback to previous posts for my new followers who may have missed out. A year ago today, I posted about how some guys just don't realize how good they have it. Some guys can have a great situation at home, but allow their ego to mess it up. Memo to all guys: if you put family first, then your ego won't ever deter you away from the correct decision in anything. This includes the career of your wife. 

You see, some guys can't tolerate not being the breadwinner of the family. A man may even limit the success of his wife simply because he thinks more salary equals more leverage. If a woman has a successful career when you meet her or aspirations of one, then do not deter her. Help her reach her goals or find someone else to marry if it threatens your tiny mind. But, don't ever try to turn a pro(fessional woman) into a housewife.

Here's the story I'm referring to from a year ago...

Ladies, would you give up your career for a man? Fellas, would you ask a woman to do so?

Scan My Butt

Geekdom meets exploitation! You can't beat it! Companies are now using QR codes to advertise their products and what better product placement than on the butt? QR codes are the bar codes that you scan with your phone in order to access the message and / or website.

So, take technology and mix it with a man wanting any type of excuse to aim his cell phone at a woman's butt and you have a marketing dream!

Beach volleyball, car shows and electronic expos are the breeding grounds for this new form of advertising.  With the recent E3 expo in Vegas, there were plenty of cell phones taking photos scanning QR codes to get information on products. I'm not sure how I'd feel about someone trying to scan my butt.

Fair or foul on this new form of advertising?

@WheresTheCup? Ask @TayStevens!

Below is the adult movie star, Taylor Stevens.


Below is New Jersey Devils coach, Peter DeBoer. He is checking out the scoreboard and trying to manage his team in the Stanley Cup Finals. The Devils have not played well in this series and they appear to be distracted.

Question: What do you think could possibly distract a coach and his team from a championship series?


Answer: Someone buying a busty porn star tickets right behind his bench.


What body part distracts you the most?
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