Movie Questionnaire

Nathaniel over at the Film Experience is passing these round. Thought I'd join in...

1. Popcorn or candy?
Popcorn. Always.

2. Name a movie you've been meaning to see forever
There's tonnes of these, but right now-sitting on my shelf is Scenes from a Marriage staring right back at me.

3. You are given the power to recall one Oscar: Who loses theirs and to whom?
So so many...I'm going about this by process of elimination. First, elimanate those too recent: so bye bye to last year's debacle. Secondly, ignore those horrific snubs that are well known: Citizen Kane doesn't really need that Oscar, does it? The film itself is legend enough. Thus, I'm landing on my favourite obession: La Pfeiffer. Get that bitch Jessica Tandy's family to give back her Oscar for Driving Miss Daisy and give it to the rightful owner. You know that she deserved it for The Fabulous Baker Boys in 1989. Also, i'm cheating here, but make Robert Redford and Kevin Costner give their Best Director trophies to the God that is Martin Scorsese.

4. Steal one costume from a movie for your wadrobe. Which will it be? Err...not too much of a costume guy, so...I'll go with that yellow t-shirt with the bull on it from Elephant. So cool.

5. Your favorite film franchise is...
Not really a "franchise" per say but Before Sunrise and Before Sunset are near and dear to me. If not then the Burton Batman films or LOTR will do.

6. Invite five movie people over for dinner. Who are they? Why'd you invite them? What do you feed them?
Ok...first things first: I'm only inviting people who are alive (simply to narrow things down). We've got Martin Scorsese, because he's a genius, approachable and would make great conversation; Jack Nicholson, so that his coolness will rub off; Meryl Streep because she's super-smart and a riot; Naomi Watts so that I could pry her with liquor and convince her to leave Liev Schreiber for me and Paul Thomas Anderson, because he is just too damn cool and I'd expect we'd get along. I would serve them a cuisine of french toast, pasta with pesto and mash potato because that's all I can make and truckloads of liquor and coke to get the party started.

7. What is the appropriate punishment for people who answer cell phones in the movie theater?
Death. Slow and painful. Perhaps having their hands and feet tied to four wild horses who are then made to run in four different directions so that the person can slowly be ripped apart. Yes?

8. Choose a female bodyguard: Ripley from Aliens. Mystique from X-Men. Sarah Connor from Terminator 2. The Bride from Kill Bill. Mace from Strange Days
All the ladies are great but the Bride is the bitch you wanna have by your side-that woman can rip anything apart. Always and Forever.

9. What's the scariest thing you've ever seen in a movie?
This is actually pretty hard- for the life of me, I cannot think of anything substantial. So when in doubt I revert to my childhood and remember that the last scene in the godawful I Still Know What You Did Last Summer where Jennifer Love Hewitt gets pulled under her bed scared the fuck out of me.

10. Your favorite genre (excluding comedy and drama) is?
Does family domestic dramas/comedies count? I suppose it's a sub-genre. More than any other genre of film, I always get excited about these. No matter how many times I've been burned (I'm looking at you Little Children!), I just keep coming back.

11. You are given the power to greenlight movies at a major studio for one year. How do you wield this power?
First of all, I disallow Paul Haggis from ever working again. Then I greenlight any and all pictures helmed by Martin Scorsese, Wong Kar-Wai, Wes Anderson, Todd Haynes, Paul Thomas Anderson, Hou Hsiao-hsien and David Cronenberg among others. Try to speed up Wong in the filmmaking process and insist that Julianne Moore and Michelle Pfeiffer get first choice in the casting of Yeah, that's about it.

12. Bonnie or Clyde?

13. Who are you tagging to answer this survey?
Alright Suba, Asvajit, Yanik, Naz and Indi: you're it.

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