Hikka: The Megapost

So here it is, folks. Our few days in Hikkaduwa, glorified beyond belief, and made into a completely ridiculous, irrelevant and pointless list. I know. It is brilliant. A small apology to all those who weren't with us a) for this incredibly self-obsessed and masturbatory post and b) for not being lucky enough to spend the last days of 06 and the first of 07 with us. So without further ado, I present THE TOP 30 MOMENTS IN HIKKA

Keira as Keira Knightley
Keira, our friend who comes down from Boston once every year and insists that he always be just that, is blessed with this perfect name. So what do we do, masters of intellect and wit that we are? We constantly refer to him by his full name, Keira Knightley, of course. Special mention should go to Bianca and my conversation on the beach that went into detail about it was indeed KK, but without the good lighting and makeup, and, of course, the honour we felt in spending time with an Academy Award nominee like her/himself. + points go to Keira's confusion when he first heard somebody refer to him by his "full name".

Asvi Dares Yanik to Lick the Pervert's Hand
This is cheating in some way, since we were on the way home BUT since it is near classic status, I felt it deserved a spot. Who can forget sitting in the train when two guys decided to hang by window and ogle the girls. Subha felt so self consious that she moved to another seat and Asvi and Yanik took her place. It was then, when Asvi told Yanik that if he (Yanik) were to lick the pervert's hand, Yanik would recieve Rs 10, 000. Of course, the price steadily decreased when Yanik seemed like he might actually do it, until it went right down to 900. Needless to say, Yanik did not do it. Hey, at least Charlotte rolled her tongue and winked at them, right?

Arun Never Swims/"CORAL! CORAL!"
I'm forced to mash these two moments up because I wasn't present when the latter took place because of the former. Yeah, i love the water, and, yeah, I can swim, I just never really wanted to on these four days? I know everyone had varying degrees of bewilderment at this but y'know, fuck you. As for the latter, that would be a quote from a rat-haired Asvajit, decked out in shades (at least, that's what I heard) screaming in terror in the ocean. And no, he can't swim.

"I Thing, Therefore I Am"
Have greater words ever been uttered?

Annelie's Make-shift Lamp Shade
Where Annelie shows off her tremendous common sense and suggests using PLASTIC garbage bags to cover a fucking lamp. When that is vetoed she, of course, suggests a piece of cloth.

The Backwards Race (!!)
Most.Awesome.Race.Ever? Walking backwards on the beach is not easy, as any of us can attest. Negative points for Yanik for being a shitty navigator and trying to make us trip up, kudos to everyone else, who soldiered on and actually went the entire way backwards. And, yes, B, I am probably the most ungraceful backwards walker in the world.

Passion Pop at Rotty Stop
Yes, when this moment actually occurred none of us were too pleased, but in retrospect, I feel, it is certainly memorable. Think about it: Not only did we walk to every restaurant south of Top Secret and find them all closed, thus forcing us to eat at Rotty Stop for the THIRD night in a row, but, then we reveled in the irony of drinking champagne at rotty stop, only to then find that it was not, in fact, champagne but some awful passion fruit fizzy wine called, ever-so-cleverly, 'Passion Pop'.

The 'Who Do You Think...' Game
Yes, it quickly turned ugly and it wasn't exactly pleasant, but who the hell said a game where you guess which your friends will break up, divorce and become homeless first is? It started out with me asking Subha a SIMPLE question 'who do you think will be successful?' and then blew up into a game that would encompass much of the night. But look at what we've learned! TWIGGY will fall out of the group first, Bianca's the most successful and the most ruthless, I'm going to be the first one to get married AND be the first to get divorced and Asvi will be homeless before any of us will.

The Guy with His Trunks on Backwards
What a guy! So brave and brazen! This great moment would've only been better if Annelie's suggestion of how to alert this man of his mistake, had actually happened.

Asvajit: (standing next to the MWTOB) OHMYGOD! My pants are on the right way!
Annelie: (standing on the other side of MWTOB) Oh you're right Asvi, they are! That's amazing.

Bianca's face and demeanor were constantly in a state of depression during the trip. She'd protest, meagerly, with "This is what my face looks like relaxed" or "I'm just thinking", which would, of course, provoke the question, "About what, the holocaust?". I'm happy to say she cleared up and became her normal self again but those were a weird two days. Perhaps it was the hair?

The Guess the Card Game
Kudos goes to Asvajit for conjuring up this game. So deceptively simple, yet almost epic in its execution. The twist that the game never actually ends and any points get carried on is borderline genius. The score now rests at Subha: 1, Yanik: 1, Arun: 1, Everyone Else: 0. Also, the speed round and the noises were, in a word, 'awesome'.

Keira Made to Sit Alone at Dinner
Aaah, good times. I was pleasantly surprised at how ruthlessly we all stuck to the rules of the 'I went to the mosque...' game with ONE NOTABLE EXCEPTION (coughyanikcough). The rule being that the loser would sit at a separate table for the remainder of dinner. So I offer congratulations to Keira, for sticking to the rules, and everyone else for making it happen, EXCEPT THAT ONE PERSON WHO BROKE THE RULES. Hmmm....

Humphrey the Bear and the Free Lion
Proof that Hikka is awesome? Where else but at Funky de Bar would you get a free bear AND a free Lion with every buffet ticket? hmm... My bear's name was going to be Humphrey but, alas, we never actually went and, thus, missed the opportunity of a lifetime.

Yanik' Face on New Year' Eve
This would probably be number 1 on a list of scariest things on the trip. I mean, seriously. Every time he came near me I thought he was going to come close and stab me repeatedly. The icing on the cake is when that face goes up to Annelie and asks her if she's doing ok.

The Toast to Having Wallets
What good times, eh? The alarm for 9:14 PM, the sarcastic remark Annelie made when she thought the alarm was a message, and then the toast to having a wallet. Glorious, if I do say myself. Also, the event that caused this to happen: Annelie losing her wallet 10 minutes into the trip is also worthy of mention.

The HoldingEachOther Dance
Hard to explain? Sure. I don't even remember what song we did this too. Billie Jean? All I remember was that it was awesome. All of us clutching each other, standing in a circle and swaying from side to side? Wow.

Rotty Stop vs Rotty Shop
The antagonism between these two was palpable. Two stores, serving the exact same thing across the street from each other? Who Was Better? Could Anyone Actually Tell the Difference? And who wins the war? Sure, Rotty Stop's rottys are softer and taste (marginally) better but at least the Shop is open for more that 5 hours a fucking day. You know where I stand, what about you?

Charlotte the Harlot
Yes, that's right folks: the girl herself earns a spot on the list. The only person to do so. If only, to encapsulate all the Harlot moments. Be it playing Connect-4 during the New Year's Eve party and thrashing her every opponent (that'd be Yahren) to the curb, MS DOS, the 12 of Spades or, most memorably, talking about her hair and then, out of nowhere and for no reason, slapping herself. The Harlot endeared herself to us as she never had before.

Milroy, the Hippow
Was he a cow? A hippo? I don't know. Was he a friend? Yes, indeed. I often thank my lucky stars that Bianca and I found him buried under the sand and left to die by those cruel hideous 'children' and that Annelie so kindly took him under her wing and that everyone bestowed him with the love and respect he deserved. Everyone say hello to Milroy Waldorf Hippow.

The Non-Laughing Game
Um, wow. Of every game (and there were many) that we played on this trip, no other was quite as brilliant as this. Apart from Charlotte, who for some reason preferred the non-speaking version, I think we all found the speaking version that much harder and that much more fun. Who can forget Asvajit losing over and over again, or how we all tried SO hard to keep a straight face when Annelie was telling Yanik and B that story. Now move along, and stop Gu-ffawing.

that's all for now, folks. I'm making you wait til tomorrow for the final ten + some other tidbits. Why? because I cannot be arsed. okbye.

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