Hikka: The Top Ten

I know, I know, I'm late, fuck you. Without further ado, THE TOP TEN MOMENTS IN HIKKA

Yanik tries to act moody on the 1st of January, whilst inside his head, the piss maniacally laughs at him.
Yanik Wets His Bed
Yes, it is true, non-hikkas. In a two-parter for the new year, Yanik's face not only went through metamorphoses BUT in the morning he found himself in some 'damp' circumstances. I don't know who I feel worse for, the eighteen-year old bed wetter or Bianca who slept in the same bed with him. Yanik's stop at childhood didn't end there either, in an effort to clean up, he stashed the sheets and turned the mattress around. Only to find the dark spot and seeped into the other side of the mattress. Nothing says 'Happy New Year' quite like a bed full of piss, don't you think?

09. The Mad Boxer
So good it hurts me a little. This a dance move for the ages and, hopefully, thanks to Manekha, will stretch all the way over the globe to Charlotte's homeland.

Jenga and the Jenga Train
Was there a more perfect way to officially begin the trip than this? Never have I been so stressed out than when I breathlessly moved the pieces whilst being watched by the whole group, and the better part of Subha's entire brood. This was extraordinarily stressful and, yet, more fun than most people could ever ever have. The aftermath of the game, after I'd ruined it all by placing a block far too nonchalantly, where we designed the train track, the phone train that lit up and the traffic light was nothing short of genius. Genius, I say. Also, Asvajit gets special points for ALWAYS forgetting it was his turn during the game, and for coming up with the idea for the track.

The Bad Spelling
I briefly considered writing this paragraph with atrocious spelling but then I rethought it. After all, how could I possibly compare with the wordsmiths of Hikkaduwa. Be it the words in the pictured above, the Maccorni at Rita's, the Pranws, the Boille Chicken, Rice and Curr, the free lobster with chip and salad, or the Cordon Blue. And that's only the tip of the proverbial iceberg. I'm so glad that the little town of Hikkaduwa opened up its arms to a bunch of spoiled kids who take pleasure in making fun of other people's shortcomings. I truly Am.

Mon presents us with a Lucky Dip, Masks/Thinking Caps and Fring Squakers (and Yanik tries to destroy EVERYTHING)
*Sigh* Few times have I loved my sister more than when she presented us with the lucky dip. Sure, only Asvi, Subha, and I got a chance since her friends had already used it, but I felt that we came out on top. Mon with her Raccumin rat poison, Asvi's plastic trash bags, Subha's bar of soap and my Herbal Seyakkai Dye Powder. That's not even mentioning those BRILLIANT fring squakers that we so liberally used at Rita's, much to Asvajit's chagrin and even inspiring dirty looks from Mr. Rita, himself. Finally, there are those grand masks which were so many things: beautiful, helpful, useful, sexy, the list goes on and on. I haven't even gotten to how you could turn them around and make the thinking caps(!!!). Really, truly brilliant. A sidenote goes to Yanik's rampage to ruin the fring squakers out of jealousy (he was at the beach when this all took place) ripping Mon's one, shoving Annelie's in a bottle and doing several other unspeakable acts to the innocent squakers.

Has there ever been a greater catchphrase? I think not. Keira changed the dynamic of the trip dramatically by uttering this single word and we are all better for it. It was also a damn crying shame that nowhere in that town, could you get a nice steak of Siberian Tiger- not one damn restaurant. I was ashamed to call myself a human being. We need to ask Deshan about t-shirts.

The Speakers on New Year's Eve
I'm not the biggest fan of trance and electronica in the world but I've been known to enjoy now and then, but never have I experienced it quite like I did that night. All of us dancing right slam next to those speakers, with every beat seeping into your body until you could not stop moving and everything around you was just blinking lights. This may not be high on the others' list but for me, it was the one thing my mind kept going back to.

My Little Caboose Doesn't Like the Juice in the Cafeteria
This story. Wow. How I lived in a world without these words of wisdom, from the now legendary Pamela Taft-Dick, before is beyond me. Grouped with the context of a school board meeting about budgetary concerns, the fact that caboose can mean one or two things, the story about Phil trashing his guitar and the one about him doing some gardening well into the wee hours of the morning make this line absolutely exceptional. I don't think I have ever laughed so hard.

yeah, fuck you too
So I know I basically covered the music on NYE in number 4 but this deserves its very own spot. I loved 'Galvanize', the Chemical Brothers song from their disappointing last album, the first time I heard it but I quickly grew to hate it's overplayed ass. I hadn't listened to it since early 2005 and when the DJ played the song, I initially refused to go to the dance floor. Forced by the others, I made my way to dance floor and OH MY GAWD. This was amazing. The song pulsated like it has never before and I was hooked. Suddenly we were all moving our limbs, our minds completely oblivious to anything else but that music, that synth, Q-Tip's thin little voice and everything in perfect synch. The moment when Asvi put his hands on our ears and the sound grew stratospherically? Flat-out fucking amazing.

Everyone Being So Damn Funny
know this is something of a cop-out but I warned you, didn't I? The best moment of the Hikka trip isn't even an actual moment. But it is awesome. Every Single Person on the trip was so fucking hilarious. There was not one weak link, not one person who didn't have a line that cracked every one up. I seriously cannot understand how other groups function. Does everyone have this good a time all the time? Honestly, do they? Because when I'm with the eight of you I cannot stop cracking up, and the reason this finds itself at number one is because more than anything, we made this trip what it was. That's why, for no particular reason, breakfast at Drifter's, on the 31st, always comes back to me. I can't remember any single detail about it but I remember laughing the whole way through. Be it because of a crack that one of us made, the way we spoke for much of the trip (hullo, yes men, nice to get out of the city, no/Your use is of no), Harlot or Mon saying something incredibly silly, Annelie with that damn camera, Bianca's sly musings, Asvi's bizarre jokes, Yanik's high-pitched voices or Keira's complete lack of bearings. I loved it. The whole damn thing, drinks at top secret, the stupid games, the in-jokes, it was all brilliant. So number 1 goes to all of us for being so damn good at having a great time. Love you all, can't wait for the next one.

honourable mentions
These were great moments that didn't make the cut:

the bad service, the nose bubble game, The Birds II, beach access road and the problem with getting mail, , the lechers on new years, practicing the countdown, Subha saying she and I were the life of the party ALL DECEMBER and her use of the word esoteric even when high off her face, Keira slaps the cat, Asvi’s failed movie, Bianca noticing Mon, Subha and myself moving to the music in synch, the completely wrong music at the drunken monkey, Xperiment Intershop and Coffeenet, follow the path, yanik being picturesque, the food comparison that Asvi and Yanik did of all the restaurants, the scramble for glowsticks, the shades that took up far too much of our conversation, the Rs 6000 tab, Mon buys the waving tuk tuk, sea urchins, the genius balcony at Rita’s, the vadday on the train and Asvi's obsession with them, the cards never being there when we wanted them, the new year comes and mon insisting it’s not, the career game (Mon as a midwife/photo-grapher/doctor cum pornstar), Yanik pours beer on Charlotte without even realising, Keira finds $20/Asvi finds money and, of course, Darius goes missing

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