No so into the Kpop thingy, I guess~

Waaaa, didn't expect the post to be long! But I guess thats what happen when you delete your facebook... Yea, I did! You know what does it mean?? (Not going to receive any birthday wishes any more ಥ‿ಥ)
Took me forever to get this right!
Goo Hara, new eye candy~ °o°
You think very easy to make this phone wallpaper meh? Try finding this scene (above) in this MV and you will know how crazy I am =/ Hint the scene is actually only 1 second long.

Saw it? Its 2.04 to 2.05. When to the extend to check frame by frame to see which scene looks the best~

Then there is this irritating thing about my phone. The height of the phone is 900 pixels and my laptop height is 768px ( How can a phone with smaller screen house more pixels?! What?~)... So apparently the screenshot took on my laptop became blur when I use it as wallpaper for my phone... So need to add a transition to the larger black background. And I think I went way too detailed, this s*it is getting boring, MOVING ON~

Wasn't really into the Kpop thingy until the whole SNSD saga happened. Both Felix and Jian Hui both stressed on wanting the 'First Concert' experience, and just nice we did our combat shoot and got a bonus of $200 (Just nice for the tixs)... That's when I agreed in going to the SNSD concert, even though I had no idea who's who except Yoona~
Out of all of 'em, she is the only one I can recognise. And I am very sure I am not alone! All the others looks like they visited the same doctor... That is if they undergo plastic surgery. Speaking of which, how can people looks so different after every other album ( .' ')?? Make-ups, that's how!
One particular make-up that society has forgotten is this thing call a smile. I miss that. Now everyone look so cold when they face their own screen.
Technology had made us much more lonely. Now, everyone has either a smartphone, MP3 player, tablet or at least a phone. So the moment you board the train or bus, everyone is wired to their earphone and enjoy they little own comfort circle. (But then even in the past, people also don't talk to stranger on the train or buses) Ermmm... I just shot myself in my foot aanndd... I don't know how to con't from here, so lets skip. If you roughly know what point I am coming at, thats good enough. (Yeap, I still feel that people not interracting with one another is a bad thing!)
So before I got  carried away, I was talking about SNSD concert yes! Went scouting with Jian Hui yesterday at Lot1 to see if anyone is queuing overnight (Kinda regret not doing so now) for the concert tixs~ Wow, no one is going to queue overnight~ Phew
*The next day* 
Reached at 9am when the sales starts at 10am... GONE! We are roughly the 100th person (#゚Д゚)

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