Pics and Video of Rob Leaving the PCAs

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SmileyRob at 0:24

via RPLife

Note: I removed the TopGear post...We have been duped, sorry guys.

chrismooney A somewhat sinister fake account at @Topgear_quotes claims they know the guests on the new series of Top Gear. They're entirely wrong. via RPLife

More pictures of Rob leaving the PCAs under the CUT

I also added the Rob and Kristen, Soho sighting after the PCAs

HQ Pics


LoriKBTR Guess who I met last night at LA's Soho House? Rob Pattinson and K Stew, John Mayer and John Stamos!

Yes, KStew had long hair. They weren't lovey dovey or anything. She was very quiet. Very tiny in person.

no kissing, no touching - not when I saw them. She was very quiet.

R.Patts didn't look good at all. Quite Disappointing. Terrible haircut. KStew is quite pretty, but a mess.

RPatts wore the same outfit he wore at the PCA's and KStew was wearing jeans rolled up at the ankles, sneakers and a tee.

when I saw them they were not holding hands. They were standing next to each other. She was leaning against the wall.

hair is very dark. Hard to tell with her, she always looks sad. Maybe she's just shy and quiet. He's much more outgoing.

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