Me and Zooey McGee??

Excuse the horrible title of this post but I needed something. I'm sure you've already read this everywhere else on the interweb, but Zooey Deschanel will be playing Janis Joplin in the long-planned bio-pic titled Piece of My Heart. While I'm not ecstatic about the news, I do think Deschanel is a better fit than also-rans Renee Zellweger and Pink. None of the three really fit the role but Deschanel has something in her that tells me she could do it. And really, all I'm thankful for is that it's not some 2-bit pop star or a (used-to-be-great) actress who looks she'd fly away in the wind. It is a shame that Courtney Love got fucked up again, since she could nail this: voice, experience, looks and, most importantly, a fuckload of talent (don't act like The People Vs Larry Flynt never happened). Even my beloved Frances McDormand, but she's probably too old for the part.

Anyway, I digress, the real focus of this post is to profess my love for Zooey Deschanel. I always knew I liked her and I always knew she was special but it was only yesterday, while steering through the ultimate shit-storm of a movie, that it all clicked. My first major date with Zooey at the cinema was most people's first as well, her brilliant work in All the Real Girls where she gave a touching and elegiac performance. After that, critical kudos followed and Zooey's profile became more popular resulting in small but funny roles
as the sidekick or girlfriend in big studio comedies like Elf, Big Trouble, Hitchhiker's Guide, etc. Now, I know I should be crying out for her to get roles with some meat on them (which she finally is) but it was in all these little roles in bad films (and sometimes good ones like Almost Famous and The Good Girl) that my heart grew fonder. I finally fell for her yesterday when I saw the aforementioned crapsterpiece Failure to Launch with that visionary thespian Matthew McConaughey front and centre. I wasn't really expecting that much of anything from the film, until Zooey walked on playing that stock Rom-Com role of the weird roommate. Zooey never lets that get her down though, single-handedly elevating the sub-par material and giving the film it's only laughs. She's a gem and I her. Next up for her is a film that seems to star every actor I love, The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (is that not a stunning title?). So everyone go see the movie at the end of the year or just rent any of the previously mentioned films (All the Real Girls! All the Real Girls!) and say hi to my new girlfriend Ms. Zooey Deschanel.

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