Do you know how this beat is made in fucking London?

Couple of changes coming to the blog since I'll be leaving for London in the early hours of tomorrow. Firstly, London blogging- I'll be keeping you updated on my trip and (if I can score tickets today) keeping you updated on the films at the London Film Festival. This means capsule reviews on most every big film this year, so expect word on The Departed, Little Children, Bobby, Venus, The Queen, Little Miss Sunshine, Still Life, For Your Consideration and Half Nelson, among others (and hopefully Breaking and Entering and The Last King of Scotland).

Also for those of you who know me, will do update (hopefully with pics) of Stewart, Rachel and baby Ella and also The Dwarf of Edingburough.

Secondly, two guest bloggers will be making the rounds here: Asvajit and one to-be-determined will be keeping you warm when I'm not around.

So I'll be trying to keep it busy on this blog for the next update will come from Mon's house in New Cross Gate

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