hey bitchez

at greenwich market; l-r: kieron, arun and lucy

Hey guys...

chilling out here in Chloe's room cos my internet is currently fucked. Am very sorry that the posts aren't coming like they should be but I thought I'd bring everyone up to speed...Also, I'd like to apologise in advance for the staccato nature of the post but I'm having trouble putting my thoughts together with a tremendous hangover weighing me down.

Films seen so far:
The Departed
Little Miss Sunshine
The Queen

thoughts on all of them will follow after I've spoken to my editors at LT on which they want for the magazine, etc.

Am coming off a very big hangover after the housewarming party here on Friday. The house was one big haze of smoke, booze and very excellent company. Seriously have not hung out with so many like minded people ever in my life. Everyone is just so cool (what can you expect? They're all art students)- met so many great people on Friday: everybody was so great to talk to.

Also should give you a lowdown on the housemates: Mon lives with Tom, Chloe, Lucy and Helen. The other half of her group live in a house closeby: Kieron, Ralph, Jon and Fred.
A far more detailed post about ALL the friends is in store.

I'm cutting down on my smoking some since I can't smoke in the house and Tash is determined to make me cut my intake in half by the end of the trip.

Missing all you guys and wishing, as I always do, that you all could be here. Will hopefully meet up with Westy and family next weekend.

Mostly been spending my trip lounging around, going out to parties and bars, and at the movies. Having a great chilled out time and very excited abt the Film Festival that kicks off on Wednesday(!).

Tried some new things that I can't divulge on the blog but that I'll share with the group when I get back.

Having an awesome time and i'll see you all in a couple of weeks...

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