london baby

hey folks...

Writing from an internet cafe near Mon's since she doesn't have a connection yet. Did manage to steal a couple of minutes of surfing earlier by enjoying somebody else's Wi-fi that just popped up on the laptop. As E said 'illegal is best'...

Not much to say-got in at 6:15 and then took the train to Paddington. Then took the train with Mon and Ralphie to the house and capped the night off by going to Goldsmiths, the student bar. Alright night (great music-especially compared to the clubs back home) but I did not get anywhere near as drunk as I wanted (i.e. needed) to truly make an arse (that's right arse, I'm in England now) of myself. Will give lowdown of friends later.

The Departed opens tomorrow!!! start tomorrow and the wheels slowly start to move

Expect Asvajit to get off his arse and do his job as guest blogger sometime soon

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