350: O_o

From afar, you'd make the same mistake, too right?

This is blog post #350 for me.  I figured that since it's a milestone blog post, that I should share a story about something that's pretty memorable for me, but not necessarily in a good way...  (deep breath)

Here goes: 10 years ago, I got married.  The Mrs. and I spent our honeymoon in Panama City Beach, FL and despite the many memories we created, this one in particular came up the other day. Ugh. Some stories you wish would never see the light of day, but this one I guess I don't mind sharing.

We go to a restaurant for dinner and for some reason, I cannot remember the name. I want to say Pineapple Willy's, but it may have been Harpoon Harry's.  Whatever.  I'm not much of a drinker, but since it's my honeymoon, I'm looking for something to alcoholic to drink. As I peruse the menu, I look around and soak in the environment of the restaurant. "Seems like a nice place," I thought. "Right on the beach where you can see the ocean."

The server interrupts my thoughts and with a smile asks The Mrs. what she would like to drink. "Diet Coke," she replies. 

The server, writing everything down, repeats under his breath, "Diet Coke... And you sir?"

I tell him that I want to try their signature drink. As he's writing down my request, I look over his shoulder and notice what I think is a souvenir cup. "Hey," I started, "I want to get my drink in that souvenir cup on the wall over there!"

I point across the room towards the item of my choice. If I'm going out of town and enjoying myself, then I want souvenirs galore to document my memories! The server makes a weird look on his face and then walks off towards the bar.  I pay it no mind as The Mrs. and I start talking about our vacation.  It was my first real vacation.  Despite taking numerous trips out of town, it always involved family, school function or some social event.

You can't relax when you take a trip with your parents and stay in some other relative's home.  You definitely can't relax on a school trip because every waking moment of your day is scheduled.  And you can't relax on a social event (sporting, music, Mardi Gras, etc.) because you're only focused on fun and sleep is a last resort.  This was my first trip with absolutely nothing planned!  We were on the beach for eight days by ourselves and getting out of bed before noon was optional.

All of this is floating through my mind when the server returns with The Mrs.' Diet Coke, but not my alcoholic beverage of choice.  "Uh, sir," he started, "I spoke with the manager and we're not allowed to serve alcohol in a 'sippy cup' here."


I gave the cup on the wall a closer look and realized that it was indeed a kid's cup.  I guess I'd been mesmerized by the bright colors and didn't pay attention to the youthful designs on the cup.  The Mrs. almost spit out her first sip of Diet Coke as she erupted in laughter.  The server leaned over with both of his hands on his knees, as if he were speaking to a child, and said with a grin, "Sir, I can put your alcohol in a big boy cup if you want."

How did I feel after all of this was said and done? Play the video below and hear how I felt...


What's an embarrassing moment that you don't mind sharing?

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