Social Networks and Idiots

"Stupid is as stupid does." Some times I wonder how some people can be so stupid. Or maybe it's too harsh for me to use the term "stupid." Maybe I should say "naive" instead. Nah, I'll go with "stupid." Any time you have tons of examples of things going wrong and you choose to ignore them, then you're "stupid."

There has to be some sort of cosmic connection to social networks and idiots. Seriously. They go hand-and-hand. I recently read a story about a gang leader in New York who got busted for tweeting about a murder that he had gotten away with years ago. Really, dude? Something as secretive as a murder and you tweet it to all of your followers? It just so happens that one of your followers was a member of NYPD trying to get evidence on your previous crimes. Sucks for you dude. Shouldn't have been so stupid.

I used to have a Twitter follower who would regularly tweets photos of herself with weed. She even has self-portraits of herself with a rolled up blunt in her mouth talking about how "lifted" she is. All in the same photo album with her two year old daughter. If she made anyone in her life mad, do you know how easy it would be to present evidence to Child Protective Services and possibly have her daughter taken away from her? Should I tell her of this possibility? Nope. It's not my place to do so. If she reads my blog, then maybe she'll learn, but if she doesn't...

Stop committing criminal acts on social networks. Stop committing sex acts on social networks (unless you're in "the sex business") because they could come back to haunt you as well. Social networks are forever, just like Keith Richards! Anything you put on the Web stays on the Web (even if you're in Vegas where secrets are said to remain). Every photo, status update or tweet you send has the potential to wind up in the hands of your friends, parents, teachers, employers, reporters or even the police. Think about that the next time you get ready to press "Send."

Do you think people don't know the dangers of social networks or do they just not care?

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