Just. Too. Sexy.

I know I haven't posted in awhile and this really doesn't count as a post but I swear i'll get back to regular updates soon. For now, just marvel at how hot SHE is.

Best in Film: 2006: Sound and Sound Effects Editing

I've had a long day and I'm tired. Also, I'm woefully unqualified to really talk about sound mixing in detail. So I'm scrapping the full on explanation and just listing these. Next up is a biggie: Supporting Actor, where I'll be back to pointless droning on why exactly I picked the five candidates.


Apocalypto - Kevin O’Connell, Greg P. Russell and Fernando Cámara
Yeah, it is an awful film but that doesn't take away from O'Connell (Oscar's biggest loser-19 times!) and Co's great work creating the atmosphere of the Mayan civilization. The quiet of the forest, the screaming of the pigs and the loud and textured sounds of the film's last half. Its loud but never blunt work.

Casino Royale - Martin Cantwell, Chris Munro, Mike Prestwood Smith and Mark Taylor
For creating a muscular, loud and energizing mix that threw the franchise back to life.

Children of Men - John Midgley, Chris Burdon and Tom Johnson
Stunningly detailed work: the ringing of the ears, the cat's meows while Theo and Jasper chill out, Theo's flip flops, his foot getting cut all mixed in with the sounds of warfare, a crumbling city and the myriad of languages (Including Sinhalese!) spoken at the edges.

Happy Feet - Wayne Pashley, Greg Fitzgerald, Phil Heywood, Phil Judd, Cory Mandel, Peter Purcell & Robert Sullivan
Musicals are always impressive. Animated musicals are whole other level of wow. Feet not only includes a deft mix of the sounds created to make the world come alive, Mumble's tapping feet and the big booming sound of the most oddly eclectic soundtrack of the year.

Superman Returns - Salty Brincat, John Reitz, Gregg Rudolff and David Campbell
Big, loud and majestic. Just as it should be.

Casino Royale - Eddy Joseph
Monster House - Dennis Leonard and Randy Thom
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest - Christopher Boyes and George Watters II
Superman Returns - Craig Berkey
World Trade Center - Wylie Stateman and Michael D. Wilhoit

Best in Film: 2006: Costume Design

I'm gonna try and do the ballot thingy a little differently this year, scrapping the pretty pictures and names and instead try to illustrate why I've chosen each of the films in each categories. Starting with Costume Design.

The Devil Wears Prada, Patricia Field

A designer's dream, Field (most well known for her work on HBO's Sex and the City) lucks out by costuming a contemporary film where the clothes themselves take centre stage. Luckily she takes the opportunity and runs with it, brilliantly assaying the journey each character (especially Andie) takes through the film and illustrating it in their wardrobe. Also, by using real couture Field creates an authentic fashion world instead of the deplorably fabricated ones we see on television. Miranda and Co. actually look like fashionistas and it gives them the credibility they need for the story to work. Bonus points for creating a singular style for each and every character (no two dress alike).

Dreamgirls, Sharen Davis

Another dream project for any designer. Davis gets to create literally hundreds of costumes for The Dreams, both on and off stage, encompassing over a decade of styles and fads and create them in all their dazzling technicolour glory thanks to the films 'shinier-is-better' mantra. Whilst Production Designer John Myhre is content to cut corners with curtains and lights, Davis is up to task and while it many not always be accurate to the era (neither is the music), it is always stunning.

Little Miss Sunshine, Nancy Steiner

I can sense a big 'WTF?' coming here, but give it a chance. One of my biggest problems with the costumer's branch of the Academy is how they constantly snub contemporary films (though they redeemed themselves by nominating two this year) in favour of period pieces. I'd like to announce that contemporary films have designers too and their job far harder to do and, most times, more impressive. See period pieces with their ornate costumes are definitely pretty but there is no attention paid to who is wearing the clothes. Switch those puffy pretty dresses around between actresses and it wouldn't make a difference, but in a film like Little Miss Sunshine it would be disastrous because each piece of clothing has been especially chosen for each character by taking into account their personality, income and how much attention they pay to what they wear. Look at Grandpa's leather waistcoat, Cheryl's low-key shirts and dresses, Olive's red cowboy boots, Richard's shorts and sandals look and Frank's crisp yet bland shirts. This is extraordinarily detailed work that does a lot to tell us who each character is.

Marie Antionette, Milena Canonero

So just after I dissed work on period pieces here I am nominating one myself. Yes, I think contemporary films are more of a challenge but period films that feature costumes this gorgeous deserve recognition (as they have, Canonero picked up an Oscar for her work). But these aren't your average period costumes. Not only is it an epic assignment for Canonero but it is breathtaking to watch how she devotes herself to Coppola's vision, creating candy-coloured dresses that speak volumes of the obscenity, arrogance, fun and wide-eyed wonder of the French Queen herself.

Prairie Home Companion, Catherine Marie Thomas

Beautiful, instantly iconic looks that never once overshadow the blissfully well-worn feeling of the film. The work is also nicely woven into the film: the way Yolanda chooses a top that gives her more cleavage, the Angel's white coat, Lola picking up her mother's shawl from before when she suddenly has to get on stage. Bonus points for Lily Tomlin's green jacket.

winners will be announced later

Oscar Predictions

Picture: Babel (alt. The Departed)
Directing: Martin Scorsese (The Departed)
Actor: Forest Whitaker (The Last King of Scotland)
Actress: Helen Mirren (The Queen)
Actor in a Supporting Role: Eddie Murphy (Dreamgirls)
Actress in a Supporting Role: Jennifer Hudson (Dreamgirls)
Writing (Original Screenplay): Little Miss Sunshine
Writing (Adapted Screenplay): The Departed
Foreign Language Film: The Lives of Others
Documentary Feature: An Inconvenient Truth
Animated Feature Film: Cars
Documentary Short: Recycled Life
Short Film (Animated): The Little Matchgirl
Short Film (Live Action): West Bank Story
Film Editing: Babel
Art Direction: Pan's Labyrinth
Cinematography: Children of Men
Costume Design: Dreamgirls
Makeup: Pan's Labyrinth
Score: The Queen
Song: "I Need To Wake Up" (An Inconvenient Truth)
Sound Editing: Letters From Iwo Jima
Sound Mixing: Dreamgirls
Visual Effects: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

Go See This.

Haven't posted about 'Chatroom' yet. Thought I should. Opening night is Friday. Tickets are available at the Wendy Whatmore Academy. Click the picture for more details.

50 Best: 2000-05

01. In the Mood for Love (Wong Kar-Wai)
02. Far From Heaven (Todd Haynes)

03. Dancer in the Dark (Lars von Trier)

04. Moulin Rouge! (Baz Luhrmann)

05. Before Sunset (Richard Linklater)

06. Russian Ark (Alexander Sokurov)

07. Mulholland Drive (David Lynch)
08. Brokeback Mountain (Ang Lee)

09. Caché (Michael Haneke)

10. The New World (Terrence Malick)

11. The Royal Tenenbaums (Wes Anderson)

12. Talk to Her (Pedro Almodóvar)

13. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (Michele Gondry)

14. What Time is It There? (Tsai Ming-Liang)

15. A History of Violence (David Cronenberg)

16. The Squid and the Whale (Noah Baumbach)

17. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (Ang Lee)

18. This is My Moon (Asoka Handagama)

19. Requiem for a Dream (Darren Aronofsky)

20. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (Peter Jackson)

21. Downfall (Oliver Hirschbiegel)
22. Grizzly Man (Werner Herzog)

23. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (Peter Jackson)

24. Kill Bill, Volume 1 (Quentin Tarantino)
25. Gosford Park (Robert Altman)

26. Under the Sand (François Ozon)

27. The Pianist (Roman Polanski)
28. Before Night Falls (Julian Schnabel)

29. You Can Count on Me (Kenneth Lonergan)

30. A Time for Drunken Horses (Bahman Ghobadi)

31. Lost in Translation (Sofia Coppola)

32. Mystic River (Clint Eastwood)

33. Elephant (Gus van Sant)

34. American Psycho (Mary Harron)

35. Good Night, and Good Luck. (George Clooney)

36. Junebug (Phil Morrison)

37. Millennium Mambo (Hou Hsiao-Hsien)

38. Punch-Drunk Love (Paul Thomas Anderson)
39. 2046 (Wong Kar-Wai)

40. The House of Mirth (Terrence Davies)

41. Monsoon Wedding (Mira Nair)

42. The Piano Teacher (Michael Haneke)
43. Pride and Prejudice (Joe Wright)

44. City of God (Fernando Meirelles)

45. The Fog of War (Errol Morris)

46. The Aviator (Martin Scorsese)

47. Spider-Man 2 (Sam Raimi)

48. 25th Hour (Spike Lee)

49. Ghost World (Terry Zwigoff)

50. Wonder Boys (Curtis Hanson)

Arun Awards

In order to pass the time while this year's ballot fills up, I thought I'd put up my awards (?) from previous years. So far, we have 2005, 2004 and 2003. There's more to come. Also, remember to comment: Do you disagree with some of my choices? Hate some of the nominees? What would your ballot look like?


Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup...

I'm not a huge Julie Taymore fan. I loved her production of The Lion King on Broadway, thought Titus was messy and Frida was dull. However they all showcased her amazing gift for visuals and spectacle. Now the trailer for Taymore's new project is online. Across the Universe is a musical that spans the cultural changes of the 60s and tells its story through Beatles songs. The film looks like it could either end up being a gigantic messy faliure or a truly visionary and brilliant film. Either way I'm excited. Beatles purists may complain about the classics being covered, but, honestly, they can go fuck themselves. I love the Beatles and even I can open myself up to new interpretations.

The film looks fantastically hokey (the main character's name is Jude) and, again, that scares me but all I have to do is think of Moulin Rouge! and how that film skillfully manipulated well-worn cliches to spin something truly original. Granted Taymore is no Baz Luhrmann, and I'd rather not go into this comparing it with that 2001 masterpiece but after two so-so efforts, Taymore's due for a(n artistic) hit. Here's hoping I won't be disappointed.

Watch the trailer here.

Scorsese wins the DGA!!

Its been a long time coming but Scorsese finally won the Directors Guild Award after seven unsuccesful bids. YAY! YAY! YAY! This locks up the best director race (as if it wasn't locked before) nice and clean but the race for Best Picture race is still wide open. Which is refreshing since every other major category is locked up. But I digress, Scorsese is ONE STEP CLOSER. So fucking happy.

Just a Few More...

Half Nelson is guaranteed a spot in the top 10

There's only a couple more films I need to see before I can comfortably post my top ten and Oscar ballot. Come on, pirates! Do your job!

I need:


Pan's Labyrinth

The Fountain

Letters From Iwo Jima

The Last King of Scotland

Notes on a Scandal

anyone seen good copies of these anywhere?

Facts About the Nominations

  • Dreamgirls managed 8 noms, yet was snubbed for Best Picture. While this has occoured in the past to films like Close Encounters of the Third Kind and They Shoot Horses, Don't They?, both those films recieved Best Director nominations and neither was the nomination leader of their respective years. Dreamgirls is the most nominated film this year, making this first time in history that a non-best picture nominee led the nomination count.
  • In terms of total nominations, this is the weakest Best Picture line-up since 1932 when there were only 9 categories. This also the first time since 1952 that no Best Picture nominee recieved more than 7 nods.
  • This is the first time since 1927 (!!), the first year of the Academy Awards, that not one single Best Actor nominee is from a Best Picture nominee. Also, with the exception of Blood Diamond, the other 4 films nominated for Best Actor recieved their only nomination in that category.
  • With his eighth acting nom Peter O'Toole, if he were to lose, will beat his tie with Richard Burton and become the most nominated actor to never win a competitive Oscar (he recieved an honourary award in 2002)
  • With her nomination for Little Children, Kate Winslet becomes the youngest actor ever to recieve 5 nominations. She is 31 years old, 2 years younger than previous record holder, Olivia De Havilland, who was 33. Winslet has only made 19 films, Havilland had made 33 by that time. This also means Winslet has been nominated for 25% of her filmography.
  • With her 14th nomination Meryl Streep continues her reign as the most nominated actor in Oscar history.
  • Judi Dench recieved her 6th nomination in only 10 years. Since 1997 only 1999, 2002, 2003 and 2004 have been Dench-less years.
  • Alan Arkin recieved his first nomination since 1968, 38 years ago.
  • If you add up the grosses for all of the film's nominated for Best Picture: Babel ($24), The Departed ($122), Letters from Iwo Jima ($2), Little Miss Sunshine ($60), The Queen ($36) they all total $244 million -- the same number as Cars ($244) did in the US alone. Letters is also one of the lowest grossing, if not the lowest grossing Best Picture nominee (at the time of recieving nominations) in the last 20 odd years.
  • Penelope Cruz is the first Spanish actress to be nominated. Rinko Kikuchi is the first Asian actress to be nominated since Miyoshi Umeki won for Sayanora in 1957.
  • Dreamgirls is the first live action film to recieve 3 Best Original Song nominations. Two animated films can lay claim to the same record: The Lion King in 1994 and Beauty and the Beast in 1991.
  • Kevin O'Connell, nommed for sound mixing in Apocalypto, scores his 19th nom. He furthers his status as the Academy's most nominated individual who, so far, hasn't won. Distant runners-up are composer Alex North and art director Roland Anderson, at 15 each.

Oscar Nominations Announced!!

Full commentary later...

Best Picture

The Departed
Letters From Iwo Jima
(they can't get enough)
Little Miss Sunshine
The Queen

Obviously the biggest surprise is the Dreamgirls snub (YAY!!!!) for Letters.

Best Director
Alejandro Gonzales Innaritu, Babel
Martin Scorsese, The Departed
Clint Eastwood, Letters From Iwo Jima
Stephen Frears, The Queen
Paul Greengrass, United 93 (YAY!)

Best Actor
Leonardo DiCaprio in Blood Diamond (sick! sick! I'm just going to pretend this is for that other film he was in this year)
Ryan Gosling in Half Nelson (YES! YES! YES!)
Peter O'Toole in Venus
Will Smith in The Pursuit of Happyness
Forest Whitaker in The Last King of Scotland

Best Actress
Penelope Cruz in Volver
Judi Dench in Notes on a Scandal
Helen Mirren in The Queen
Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada
Kate Winslet in Little Children

Best Supporting Actor
Alan Arkin in Little Miss Sunshine
Jackie Earle Haley in Little Children
Djimon Honsou in Blood Diamond
Eddie Murphy in Dreamgirls
Mark Wahlberg in The Departed (YES!)

The big surprise here is that Jack Nicholson was traded in for Mark Wahlberg. Nicholson's on my ballot but I don't have a problem with the snub since Wahlberg is criminally underrated and (slightly) better in the film. Marky Mark's an Oscar nominee!

Best Supporting Actress
Adriana Barazza in Babel
Cate Blanchett in Notes on a Scandal
Abigail Breslin in Little Miss Sunshine
Jennifer Hudson in Dreamgirls
Rinko Kikuchi in Babel


The other surprise is the nomination tally, with Dreamgirls coming out on top with 8 nominations despite being ignored for Best Picture, Director and Screenplay. Babel is next up with 7 bids, The Queen and Pan's Labyrinth each have 6. The Departed has a slightly anemic 5 while Letters From Iwo Jima and Little Miss Sunshine have 4. So there isn't any real consensus going in this year.

More bitching later. The full list is here.

Final Oscar Predictions

The nominees come out tomorrow evening, so here's my final stab. Sorry about the lack of commentary but I'm tired.

Best Picture
The Departed
Little Miss Sunshine
The Queen

Best Director

Bill Condon, Dreamgirls
Clint Eastwood, Letters From Iwo Jima
Stephen Frears, The Queen
Alejandro Gonzales Innaritu, Babel
Martin Scorsese, The Departed

Best Actor
Leonardo DiCaprio, The Departed
Ryan Gosling, Half Nelson
Peter O'Toole, Venus
Will Smith, The Pursuit of Happyness
Forest Whitaker, The Last King of Scotland

Best Actress
Penelope Cruz, Volver
Judi Dench, Notes on a Scandal
Helen Mirren, The Queen
Meryl Streep, The Devil Wears Prada
Kate Winslet, Little Children

Best Supporting Actor
Alan Arkin, Little Miss Sunshine
Jackie Earle Haley, Little Children
Djimon Honsou, Blood Diamond
Eddie Murphy, Dreamgirls
Jack Nicholson, The Departed

Best Supporting Actress
Adriana Barazza, Babel
Cate Blanchett, Notes on a Scandal
Abigail Breslin, Little Miss Sunshine
Jennifer Hudson, Dreamgirls
Rinko Kikuchi, Babel

Best Adapted Screenplay
The Departed
The Devil Wears Prada
Little Children
Notes on a Scandal
Thank You For Smoking

Best Original Screenplay
Little Miss Sunshine
The Queen
United 93

Best Animated Feature

Happy Feet

Over the Hedge

Best Cinematography
Apocalypto, Dean Semler
Babel, Rodrigo Prieto
Children of Men, Emmanuel Lubezki
The Good Shepherd, Robert Richardson
The Illusionist, Dick Pope

Best Costume Design
The Black Dahlia, Jenny Beavan
The Curse of the Golden Flower, Chung Mang Yee
Dreamgirls, Sharon Davies
Marie-Antoinette, Milena Canonero
The Painted Veil, Ruth Myres

Best Art Direction

The Curse of the Golden Flower
Children of Men
Flags of Our Fathers
Pan's Labyrinth

Best Film Editing

The Departed
The Queen
United 93

Best Makeup
Pan's Labyrinth
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

Best Original Score

Apocalypto, James Newton Howard
, Gustavo Santaolalla
The DaVinci Code
, Hans Zimmer
The Illusionist, Philip Glass
The Painted Veil, Alexandre Desplat

Best Original Song

Bobby for 'Never Gonna Break My Faith'
for 'O Kazakhstan'
for 'Listen'
Happy Feet for 'Song of the Heart'
An Inconvenient Truth
for 'I Need to Wake Up'

Best Sound Design

Blood Diamond
The Departed
Flags of Our Fathers
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
alternate: Babel

Best Sound Editing
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Flags of Our Fathers
Superman Returns

Best Visual Effects

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Superman Returns
X3: The Last Stand

Globes Rundown

Well, it seems as if it were a night of NO surprises. I scored 8/13 in my predictions which is not bad and 4 of my alternate picks made it in (the only category I completely missed was Best Picture-Drama). Dreamgirls picked up some steam, coming in with the most wins, 3, for Best Picture-Comedy/Musical, Best Supporting Actor (Eddie Murphy and Best Supporting Actress (Jennifer Hudson). The Queen won two for Helen Mirren and Peter Morgan's screenplay. Everything else won one. Including Best Picture-Drama winner Babel, a win that came off looking more like a consolation prize for receiving the most nominations, rather than anything else. While the TV winners came out with some surprises (Yaay Ugly Betty and America Ferrera! Boo Grey's Anatomy!) including a wonderful makeup win for Emily Blunt (which I will of course pretend was really for The Devil Wears Prada), there weren't any shockers for the films. However, the lack of anything even near a sweep means that this year's Best Picture race is still wide open with The Departed, Dreamgirls, Little Miss Sunshine, Babel and even The Queen all looking like contenders for the big prize. And that never happens.

Best Win of the Night: It was a foregone conclusion but nothing makes me quite as happy as hearing Marty Scorsese's name read out at these things. I literally shouted out loud.

Best Speech of the Night: Without a doubt, Meryl Streep. America Ferrera and Sacha Baron Cohen put in some good tries. Peter Morgan's speech was wonderful but it was ALL Meryl. What a woman. I loved the 'Oh shut up, its not that long!'.

Best Dressed: Cameron Diaz was the only person who looked awful, with everyone else looking pretty hot. It amazes me how sexy Helen Mirren is at 61 but the cake has to go to Rachel Weisz. Why couldn't she look this hot last year when she was winning everything? Salma Hayek, Angelina Jolie, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Evangeline Lilly and Kate Winslet were also in various stages of hotness.

Most Drunk: An award that can only be given at the globes. This is year was a disappointment here. No one was OFF their face like, say, Sharon Stone or Jonathan Rhys-Meyers has been in the past and during the cut aways a lot of people looked pissed off. Particularly Diddy when in conversation with Jay-Z.

Table that Looked like the Most Fun?: Well, if you'd asked me before I'd have said the Fox table were Sacha Baron Cohen and Meryl Streep were seated would've been the best, but there simply weren't enough shenanigans to compete. I'd say its close between the Ugly Betty table, where everyone seemed to have a good time and genuinely like each other and the Warren Beatty/Annette Bening/Jack Nicholson table that was the centre of attention the whole night through.

The winners you ask?

Best Picture, Drama: Babel

Best Actor, Drama: Forest Whitaker, The Last King of Scotland

Best Picture Musical/Comedy: Dreamgirls

Best Actor Musical/Comedy: Sacha Baron Cohen, Borat

Best Director: Martin Scorsese, The Departed

Best Score: The Painted Veil

Foreign Film: Letters From Iwo Jima

Best Screenplay: The Queen

Best Supporting Actor - Eddie Murphy, Dreamgirls

Best Actress, Musical/Comedy - Meryl Streep, Devil Wears Prada

Best Animated Film: Cars

Best Supporting Actress: Jennifer Hudson, Dreamgirls

Original Song: Prince for 'Song From the Heart', Happy Feet


Best Actress, Comedy: America Ferrera, Ugly Betty

Best Comedy Series, TV: Ugly Betty

Best Actor, Comedy: Alec Baldwin, 30 Rock

Best Actress, Mini Series: Helen Mirren, Elizabeth I

Best Actor, Mini Series: Bill Nighy, Gideon's Daughter

Best Mini Series: Elizabeth I

Best Actor, Drama: Hugh Laurie, House

Best Supporting Actress - Mini Series: Emily Blunt, Gideon's Daughter

Best Actress, TV, Drama: Kyra Sedgwick, The Closer

Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Series, Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for Television: Jeremy Irons, Elizabeth I

Golden Globe Predictions

The Globes are on tomorrow morning, so I felt the need...

Best Picture-Drama: The Departed
Alternate: The Queen

Best Picture-Comedy/Musical: Little Miss Sunshine
Alternate: Dreamgirls

Best Director: Martin Scorsese, The Departed

Best Actor-Drama: Forest Whitaker, The Last King of Scotland
Alternate: Peter O'Toole, Venus

Best Actress-Drama: Helen Mirren, The Queen

Best Actor-Comedy/Musical: Sacha Baron Cohen, Borat

Best Actress-Comedy/Musical: Meryl Streep, The Devil Wears Prada

Best Supporting Actor: Jack Nicholson, The Departed
Alternate: Eddie Murphy, Dreamgirls

Best Supporting Actress: Jennifer Hudson, Dreamgirls

Best Animated Feature: Happy Feet
Alternate: Cars

Best Foreign Language Film: Letters From Iwo Jima
Alternate: Pan's Labyrinth/Volver

Best Screenplay: The Queen
Alternate: Babel

Best Original Score: Babel
Alternate: The Painted Veil

Best Original Song: Happy Feet

A coupla changes...

No need to be alarmed, folks. Just made some changes cause blogger was totally fucking up my template. So until it decides to calm the fuck down, we're gonna look like this.

Holy Shit. I know what I want for Christmas.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the iPhone. Obviously it won't be compatible here for awhile but, goddamnit, I want it and I want it now.

Read more here.

Hikka: The Top Ten

I know, I know, I'm late, fuck you. Without further ado, THE TOP TEN MOMENTS IN HIKKA

Yanik tries to act moody on the 1st of January, whilst inside his head, the piss maniacally laughs at him.
Yanik Wets His Bed
Yes, it is true, non-hikkas. In a two-parter for the new year, Yanik's face not only went through metamorphoses BUT in the morning he found himself in some 'damp' circumstances. I don't know who I feel worse for, the eighteen-year old bed wetter or Bianca who slept in the same bed with him. Yanik's stop at childhood didn't end there either, in an effort to clean up, he stashed the sheets and turned the mattress around. Only to find the dark spot and seeped into the other side of the mattress. Nothing says 'Happy New Year' quite like a bed full of piss, don't you think?

09. The Mad Boxer
So good it hurts me a little. This a dance move for the ages and, hopefully, thanks to Manekha, will stretch all the way over the globe to Charlotte's homeland.

Jenga and the Jenga Train
Was there a more perfect way to officially begin the trip than this? Never have I been so stressed out than when I breathlessly moved the pieces whilst being watched by the whole group, and the better part of Subha's entire brood. This was extraordinarily stressful and, yet, more fun than most people could ever ever have. The aftermath of the game, after I'd ruined it all by placing a block far too nonchalantly, where we designed the train track, the phone train that lit up and the traffic light was nothing short of genius. Genius, I say. Also, Asvajit gets special points for ALWAYS forgetting it was his turn during the game, and for coming up with the idea for the track.

The Bad Spelling
I briefly considered writing this paragraph with atrocious spelling but then I rethought it. After all, how could I possibly compare with the wordsmiths of Hikkaduwa. Be it the words in the pictured above, the Maccorni at Rita's, the Pranws, the Boille Chicken, Rice and Curr, the free lobster with chip and salad, or the Cordon Blue. And that's only the tip of the proverbial iceberg. I'm so glad that the little town of Hikkaduwa opened up its arms to a bunch of spoiled kids who take pleasure in making fun of other people's shortcomings. I truly Am.

Mon presents us with a Lucky Dip, Masks/Thinking Caps and Fring Squakers (and Yanik tries to destroy EVERYTHING)
*Sigh* Few times have I loved my sister more than when she presented us with the lucky dip. Sure, only Asvi, Subha, and I got a chance since her friends had already used it, but I felt that we came out on top. Mon with her Raccumin rat poison, Asvi's plastic trash bags, Subha's bar of soap and my Herbal Seyakkai Dye Powder. That's not even mentioning those BRILLIANT fring squakers that we so liberally used at Rita's, much to Asvajit's chagrin and even inspiring dirty looks from Mr. Rita, himself. Finally, there are those grand masks which were so many things: beautiful, helpful, useful, sexy, the list goes on and on. I haven't even gotten to how you could turn them around and make the thinking caps(!!!). Really, truly brilliant. A sidenote goes to Yanik's rampage to ruin the fring squakers out of jealousy (he was at the beach when this all took place) ripping Mon's one, shoving Annelie's in a bottle and doing several other unspeakable acts to the innocent squakers.

Has there ever been a greater catchphrase? I think not. Keira changed the dynamic of the trip dramatically by uttering this single word and we are all better for it. It was also a damn crying shame that nowhere in that town, could you get a nice steak of Siberian Tiger- not one damn restaurant. I was ashamed to call myself a human being. We need to ask Deshan about t-shirts.

The Speakers on New Year's Eve
I'm not the biggest fan of trance and electronica in the world but I've been known to enjoy now and then, but never have I experienced it quite like I did that night. All of us dancing right slam next to those speakers, with every beat seeping into your body until you could not stop moving and everything around you was just blinking lights. This may not be high on the others' list but for me, it was the one thing my mind kept going back to.

My Little Caboose Doesn't Like the Juice in the Cafeteria
This story. Wow. How I lived in a world without these words of wisdom, from the now legendary Pamela Taft-Dick, before is beyond me. Grouped with the context of a school board meeting about budgetary concerns, the fact that caboose can mean one or two things, the story about Phil trashing his guitar and the one about him doing some gardening well into the wee hours of the morning make this line absolutely exceptional. I don't think I have ever laughed so hard.

yeah, fuck you too
So I know I basically covered the music on NYE in number 4 but this deserves its very own spot. I loved 'Galvanize', the Chemical Brothers song from their disappointing last album, the first time I heard it but I quickly grew to hate it's overplayed ass. I hadn't listened to it since early 2005 and when the DJ played the song, I initially refused to go to the dance floor. Forced by the others, I made my way to dance floor and OH MY GAWD. This was amazing. The song pulsated like it has never before and I was hooked. Suddenly we were all moving our limbs, our minds completely oblivious to anything else but that music, that synth, Q-Tip's thin little voice and everything in perfect synch. The moment when Asvi put his hands on our ears and the sound grew stratospherically? Flat-out fucking amazing.

Everyone Being So Damn Funny
know this is something of a cop-out but I warned you, didn't I? The best moment of the Hikka trip isn't even an actual moment. But it is awesome. Every Single Person on the trip was so fucking hilarious. There was not one weak link, not one person who didn't have a line that cracked every one up. I seriously cannot understand how other groups function. Does everyone have this good a time all the time? Honestly, do they? Because when I'm with the eight of you I cannot stop cracking up, and the reason this finds itself at number one is because more than anything, we made this trip what it was. That's why, for no particular reason, breakfast at Drifter's, on the 31st, always comes back to me. I can't remember any single detail about it but I remember laughing the whole way through. Be it because of a crack that one of us made, the way we spoke for much of the trip (hullo, yes men, nice to get out of the city, no/Your use is of no), Harlot or Mon saying something incredibly silly, Annelie with that damn camera, Bianca's sly musings, Asvi's bizarre jokes, Yanik's high-pitched voices or Keira's complete lack of bearings. I loved it. The whole damn thing, drinks at top secret, the stupid games, the in-jokes, it was all brilliant. So number 1 goes to all of us for being so damn good at having a great time. Love you all, can't wait for the next one.

honourable mentions
These were great moments that didn't make the cut:

the bad service, the nose bubble game, The Birds II, beach access road and the problem with getting mail, , the lechers on new years, practicing the countdown, Subha saying she and I were the life of the party ALL DECEMBER and her use of the word esoteric even when high off her face, Keira slaps the cat, Asvi’s failed movie, Bianca noticing Mon, Subha and myself moving to the music in synch, the completely wrong music at the drunken monkey, Xperiment Intershop and Coffeenet, follow the path, yanik being picturesque, the food comparison that Asvi and Yanik did of all the restaurants, the scramble for glowsticks, the shades that took up far too much of our conversation, the Rs 6000 tab, Mon buys the waving tuk tuk, sea urchins, the genius balcony at Rita’s, the vadday on the train and Asvi's obsession with them, the cards never being there when we wanted them, the new year comes and mon insisting it’s not, the career game (Mon as a midwife/photo-grapher/doctor cum pornstar), Yanik pours beer on Charlotte without even realising, Keira finds $20/Asvi finds money and, of course, Darius goes missing

Hikka: The Megapost

So here it is, folks. Our few days in Hikkaduwa, glorified beyond belief, and made into a completely ridiculous, irrelevant and pointless list. I know. It is brilliant. A small apology to all those who weren't with us a) for this incredibly self-obsessed and masturbatory post and b) for not being lucky enough to spend the last days of 06 and the first of 07 with us. So without further ado, I present THE TOP 30 MOMENTS IN HIKKA

Keira as Keira Knightley
Keira, our friend who comes down from Boston once every year and insists that he always be just that, is blessed with this perfect name. So what do we do, masters of intellect and wit that we are? We constantly refer to him by his full name, Keira Knightley, of course. Special mention should go to Bianca and my conversation on the beach that went into detail about it was indeed KK, but without the good lighting and makeup, and, of course, the honour we felt in spending time with an Academy Award nominee like her/himself. + points go to Keira's confusion when he first heard somebody refer to him by his "full name".

Asvi Dares Yanik to Lick the Pervert's Hand
This is cheating in some way, since we were on the way home BUT since it is near classic status, I felt it deserved a spot. Who can forget sitting in the train when two guys decided to hang by window and ogle the girls. Subha felt so self consious that she moved to another seat and Asvi and Yanik took her place. It was then, when Asvi told Yanik that if he (Yanik) were to lick the pervert's hand, Yanik would recieve Rs 10, 000. Of course, the price steadily decreased when Yanik seemed like he might actually do it, until it went right down to 900. Needless to say, Yanik did not do it. Hey, at least Charlotte rolled her tongue and winked at them, right?

Arun Never Swims/"CORAL! CORAL!"
I'm forced to mash these two moments up because I wasn't present when the latter took place because of the former. Yeah, i love the water, and, yeah, I can swim, I just never really wanted to on these four days? I know everyone had varying degrees of bewilderment at this but y'know, fuck you. As for the latter, that would be a quote from a rat-haired Asvajit, decked out in shades (at least, that's what I heard) screaming in terror in the ocean. And no, he can't swim.

"I Thing, Therefore I Am"
Have greater words ever been uttered?

Annelie's Make-shift Lamp Shade
Where Annelie shows off her tremendous common sense and suggests using PLASTIC garbage bags to cover a fucking lamp. When that is vetoed she, of course, suggests a piece of cloth.

The Backwards Race (!!)
Most.Awesome.Race.Ever? Walking backwards on the beach is not easy, as any of us can attest. Negative points for Yanik for being a shitty navigator and trying to make us trip up, kudos to everyone else, who soldiered on and actually went the entire way backwards. And, yes, B, I am probably the most ungraceful backwards walker in the world.

Passion Pop at Rotty Stop
Yes, when this moment actually occurred none of us were too pleased, but in retrospect, I feel, it is certainly memorable. Think about it: Not only did we walk to every restaurant south of Top Secret and find them all closed, thus forcing us to eat at Rotty Stop for the THIRD night in a row, but, then we reveled in the irony of drinking champagne at rotty stop, only to then find that it was not, in fact, champagne but some awful passion fruit fizzy wine called, ever-so-cleverly, 'Passion Pop'.

The 'Who Do You Think...' Game
Yes, it quickly turned ugly and it wasn't exactly pleasant, but who the hell said a game where you guess which your friends will break up, divorce and become homeless first is? It started out with me asking Subha a SIMPLE question 'who do you think will be successful?' and then blew up into a game that would encompass much of the night. But look at what we've learned! TWIGGY will fall out of the group first, Bianca's the most successful and the most ruthless, I'm going to be the first one to get married AND be the first to get divorced and Asvi will be homeless before any of us will.

The Guy with His Trunks on Backwards
What a guy! So brave and brazen! This great moment would've only been better if Annelie's suggestion of how to alert this man of his mistake, had actually happened.

Asvajit: (standing next to the MWTOB) OHMYGOD! My pants are on the right way!
Annelie: (standing on the other side of MWTOB) Oh you're right Asvi, they are! That's amazing.

Bianca's face and demeanor were constantly in a state of depression during the trip. She'd protest, meagerly, with "This is what my face looks like relaxed" or "I'm just thinking", which would, of course, provoke the question, "About what, the holocaust?". I'm happy to say she cleared up and became her normal self again but those were a weird two days. Perhaps it was the hair?

The Guess the Card Game
Kudos goes to Asvajit for conjuring up this game. So deceptively simple, yet almost epic in its execution. The twist that the game never actually ends and any points get carried on is borderline genius. The score now rests at Subha: 1, Yanik: 1, Arun: 1, Everyone Else: 0. Also, the speed round and the noises were, in a word, 'awesome'.

Keira Made to Sit Alone at Dinner
Aaah, good times. I was pleasantly surprised at how ruthlessly we all stuck to the rules of the 'I went to the mosque...' game with ONE NOTABLE EXCEPTION (coughyanikcough). The rule being that the loser would sit at a separate table for the remainder of dinner. So I offer congratulations to Keira, for sticking to the rules, and everyone else for making it happen, EXCEPT THAT ONE PERSON WHO BROKE THE RULES. Hmmm....

Humphrey the Bear and the Free Lion
Proof that Hikka is awesome? Where else but at Funky de Bar would you get a free bear AND a free Lion with every buffet ticket? hmm... My bear's name was going to be Humphrey but, alas, we never actually went and, thus, missed the opportunity of a lifetime.

Yanik' Face on New Year' Eve
This would probably be number 1 on a list of scariest things on the trip. I mean, seriously. Every time he came near me I thought he was going to come close and stab me repeatedly. The icing on the cake is when that face goes up to Annelie and asks her if she's doing ok.

The Toast to Having Wallets
What good times, eh? The alarm for 9:14 PM, the sarcastic remark Annelie made when she thought the alarm was a message, and then the toast to having a wallet. Glorious, if I do say myself. Also, the event that caused this to happen: Annelie losing her wallet 10 minutes into the trip is also worthy of mention.

The HoldingEachOther Dance
Hard to explain? Sure. I don't even remember what song we did this too. Billie Jean? All I remember was that it was awesome. All of us clutching each other, standing in a circle and swaying from side to side? Wow.

Rotty Stop vs Rotty Shop
The antagonism between these two was palpable. Two stores, serving the exact same thing across the street from each other? Who Was Better? Could Anyone Actually Tell the Difference? And who wins the war? Sure, Rotty Stop's rottys are softer and taste (marginally) better but at least the Shop is open for more that 5 hours a fucking day. You know where I stand, what about you?

Charlotte the Harlot
Yes, that's right folks: the girl herself earns a spot on the list. The only person to do so. If only, to encapsulate all the Harlot moments. Be it playing Connect-4 during the New Year's Eve party and thrashing her every opponent (that'd be Yahren) to the curb, MS DOS, the 12 of Spades or, most memorably, talking about her hair and then, out of nowhere and for no reason, slapping herself. The Harlot endeared herself to us as she never had before.

Milroy, the Hippow
Was he a cow? A hippo? I don't know. Was he a friend? Yes, indeed. I often thank my lucky stars that Bianca and I found him buried under the sand and left to die by those cruel hideous 'children' and that Annelie so kindly took him under her wing and that everyone bestowed him with the love and respect he deserved. Everyone say hello to Milroy Waldorf Hippow.

The Non-Laughing Game
Um, wow. Of every game (and there were many) that we played on this trip, no other was quite as brilliant as this. Apart from Charlotte, who for some reason preferred the non-speaking version, I think we all found the speaking version that much harder and that much more fun. Who can forget Asvajit losing over and over again, or how we all tried SO hard to keep a straight face when Annelie was telling Yanik and B that story. Now move along, and stop Gu-ffawing.

that's all for now, folks. I'm making you wait til tomorrow for the final ten + some other tidbits. Why? because I cannot be arsed. okbye.
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