
Asvajit is a Great Artist-Check Out His Work, You Won't Regret It

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Ok, I felt the need to post in order to pass the time whilst I try to figure out who my winners are on my ballot (I'm trying to look at each category individually since I detest sweep mentality)...

First of all, I'd like to say fuck COMUN. I'm all for it and I enjoy it to a certain extent and it does look good on my CV but research is a bitch- Does anyone know a really good and consice resource to find information on Iraq's stance on world issues? If you do, please please help. Thanks..

And Idol has slowly sucked me in yet again. I don't know why I allow this show to get me but it is just so addictive. Anyway quick ranking on the girls and the guys...

  1. Paris (great song choice, great performer)
  2. Lisa (can't believe she's only 16- such a mature performance)
  3. Mandisa (I still adore her but the performance just wasn't as great as it could've been)
  4. Katharine (great voice and a very understated vocal performance)

and then there's the rest...none of who'm I really care about- haters beware, I still love my Brenna but I will admit the performance sucked ass. Kelly wasn't upto scratch but everytime she opens her mouth I melt into a puddle..sigh

Guys- the show really surprised me cos there were so many great performances

  1. Bucky (like Randy, I was expecting something more country but I was very impressed + he says "Git-aaar")
  2. Bald Sideburns Dude (He hadn't really impressed me so far but his 'Dead or Alive' was nothing short of fantastic)
  3. Ace (really annoyed me before and I initially felt that this was a case of the Emperor's new clothes but 'Father Figure' was a great choice and he brought it)
  4. Sway (just awesome)
  5. Elliot Yamin (love the non-chalance, the voice and even the meth-head teeth)
  6. Gideon (I love his voice and that wierdness about him actually attracts my attention. Not his best but still good)

I also liked Taylor Hicks but all this Ray Charles posturing (his aping of Charles's stance whenever the camera is on him was borderline offensive) has to go. I didn't care for any of the others and I'm really pissed that geriatrics and little girls of America will probably make sure that the pretty boys and the nerd go far

That's all for now..

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