A Nice Little Bowl of Cancer

Make no mistake, that's all it is. Before you really freak out, you should remember, this is the work of many and not just one man. I just thought I should touch on this subject since it comes up quite a bit. Two seemingly ordinary words that when put together make this dreadful phrase- "Quitting Smoking" - aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggghhhhh!!!

Now, do I know that smoking causes cancer (lung and throat), ruins your skin, causes heart attacks and just generally kicks your filthy ass? Yes, I do.

Does that make me wanna stop? Yes...and no

Here's the thing- I don't want to stop smoking. There it is. I figure I'm still new enough to it to get away with it, and, yes, I realise this is a silly idea but I honestly don't give a fuck when the non-smokers go on and on and on and on about how I shouldn't. I get that you care and all but leave me the fuck alone. Thank you.

And now I'm off to have a smoke...

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