New Blogs, Kool, Nu Box, Idol and the Gang

First of all, this is Yanik-the man who takes all the photos of us..

Click on the pic to go to his photo blog

and this is Bugoy-you can click his pic to go to his blog: The Phat One

I wanted to post these in order to show you that seemingly everyone is catching the blogging bug- for that reason I'm not going to go into extreme detail over the Kool & the Gang concert since Yanik and Asvi have pretty much covered it. That said, the concert was awesome and it was fuckin' A getting in without being checked for a ticket and then climbing fences until we found ourselves smack in front of the stage. Great great night...

I started the week pretty good too, with the Nu Box show at Barefoot on Monday night. Avant-garde Jazz isn't anything I'm particularly crazy about but the show knocked me flat on my ass. A mix of well known hip-hop with Jazz instrumentals, it felt completely alive. The best way to describe it is to think of it as mash-ups of hip-hop with jazz. And you know I flipped out when they played M.I.A.

Finally, a couple of thoughts on everyone's favourite show American Idol... They announced the top 24 today and I thought I'd weigh in on my faves

Brenna: I love her..I do. If you don't then you just do not know what you're talking about- she's a star

Bucky: All throughout the episode I kept wondering if a good male country singer got in and I'm glad to see someone did. I don't know anything about him but I'm rooting for him and if he can muster the balls to sings some Hank Williams in the coming weeks I will worship him.

clockwise from top left: Heather, Kelly, Becky and Katharine

none of 'em strike me as particularly talented or even affable (except Kelly, who can't help but remind me of my beloved Amy Adams in Junebug) but slap my ass and call me Judy if they aren't hawt...


The young ones: Lisa and Gedeon are both really young (16 and 17, respectively) and really talented- though neither is bringing anything new to the table. She feels like a thousand other girls we've seen on this show and he's eerily similar to John Legend

Paris hasn't been bringing it quite like she did in her fan-fucking-tastic audition but I do love her

and, finally, the two I really wanna see win this thing

Taylor, who, despite the weird body-movements, continues to intrigue me and...

I ♥ Mandisa. So classy, so charismatic and so damn talented.

That's it for today, folks. Hope you've enjoyed yourselves and remember to check out the links on the sidebar. There's some great stuff just waiting for you to discover...

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