R.I.P. Arrested Development

So Idol is on tonight for TWO hours and another two hours tomorrow + one hour on Friday so we have a total of FIVE MOTHERFUCKING HOURS of Idol this week. This kinda grosses me out? I love the show but imagine the waiting, imagine the pointless montages, the background info on the contestants, the botox on Seacrest's face... It makes me sick just thinking about it.

Onto more pressing matters...Arrested Development aired it's last episode last week on FOX. Now while the show will never return to the FOX network I'm still holding onto the small chance that ABC or Showtime will pick it up, but, for now, the show is dead-it had a breif, but fan-fucking-tastic, existence that brought us ever-closer those dispicable Bluths. For those of you not in the know, Arrested Development is simply the only comedy series that can rival Seinfeld's early years and maybe The Sopranos as the greatest thing on television. Ever.

Oh and if you STILL don't watch AD, the second season will begin 'sometime' on Star World. I myself download the show because I'm a greedy bastard who can't wait. I've been doing the same for Lost's second season, which starts on AXN next month, and let me just say to those of you who haven't seen it- OH MY MOTHERFUCKER. Fuck. Too Great. 13 episodes in and it is still awesome.

Also on the ballot below, I keep going back and forth on whether Jake Gyllenhaal belongs in Lead or Supporting- my only real reasoning for putting him in Supporting is that I love the performance and I don't think I could fit him into my Best Actor shortlist and maybe because the film focuses on Ennis just a little bit more. The fact remains though that the film IS a 'love story between two cowboys' and love stories have 2 leads, not one... I can't help but think that if the film was a straight love story I'd never even think of putting either actor in any other category but Lead

Any thoughts?

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